Council of Europe
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Cross-border access to data has to respect human rights principles
The Council of Europe started preparing an additional protocol to the Cybercrime Convention – a new tool for law enforcement authorities (LEAs) to have access to data in the context of criminal investigations. Ahead of the first meeting of the Drafting Group, EDRi coordinated a civil society submission, signed by 14 organisations from around the […]
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Cross-border access to data: EDRi delivers international NGO position to Council of Europe
Today, 18 September 2017, a global coalition of civil society organisations, led by European Digital Rights (EDRi), submitted to the Council of Europe its comments on how to protect human rights when developing new rules on cross-border access to electronic evidence (“e-evidence”). The Council of Europe is currently preparing an additional protocol to the Cybercrime […]
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Access to e-evidence: Inevitable sacrifice of our right to privacy?
What do you do when human rights “get in the way” of tackling crime and terrorism? You smash those pillars of your democratic values – the same ones you are supposedly protecting. Give up your right to privacy, it is a fair price to pay for the guarantee of your security! This is the mantra […]
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RightsCon session on cross-border access to e-evidence – key interventions
European Digital Rights organised a session at the RightsCon conference in Brussels on 31 March 2017, in order to build awareness among stakeholders about the multiple international developments on law enforcement access to electronic evidence. The bulk of the discussions focussed on a possible new protocol to the Cybercrime (Budapest) Convention of the Council of […]
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CoE study: Blocking content has to respect fundamental rights
Several European countries lack clear legal provisions and transparent procedures when it comes to blocking and removal of online content. A comparative study published by the Council of Europe stresses that any restriction on the right to freedom of expression must be provided for by law, be proportionate and follow legitimate objectives. Blocking should only […]
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EDRi paper for the Council of Europe: “Human Rights Online”
EDRi drafted an expert paper on “Human Rights Violations Online” to offer a practical backdrop to the Guide to Human Rights for Internet users adopted by Council of Europe on 16 April 2014. The Guide informs readers about what online rights and freedoms mean in practice, how they can be relied and acted upon and […]
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Ground-breaking paper on internet rule of law launched by Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner
Today, 8 December 2014, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, Nils Muižnieks, released a so-called “Issue Paper” on The rule of law on the Internet and in the wider digital world, with important conclusions and recommendations. They cover four topics of particular interest to EDRi: privatised law enforcement, suspicionless mass data […]
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Council of Europe Recommendation on Net Neutrality – unclear and unhelpful
The Council of Europe is Europe’s leading human rights organisation, with 47 member states, including all of the 28 members of the European Union. It campaigns to defend freedom of speech, privacy and the rule of law. It is an entirely separate organisation from the Council of the European Union and the European Council. The […]
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Council of Europe Recommendation on Net Neutrality
The Council of Europe is Europe’s leading human rights organisation, with 47 member states, including all of the 28 members of the European Union. It campaigns to defend freedom of speech, privacy and the rule of law. The Council is now ten days away from adopting adraft Recommendation that whose provisions on the rule of […]
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