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Joint statement on the future of the CSA Regulation
On 1 July, EDRi and 47 civil society organisations sent a joint statement to the Hungarian Council Presidency and a number of member state permanent representatives. We call on the Council and European Parliament to demand that the European Commission withdraw the draft CSA Regulation.
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Open letter: Mass surveillance and undermining encryption still on table in EU Council
Today, 17 April, EDRi, in a coalition with 50 civil society organisations and 26 individual experts, call on Member State representatives not to agree to the proposed EU Council position on the Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Regulation whilst so many critical issues remain.
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Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic: Belgium’s latest move doesn’t solve critical issues with EU CSA Regulation
The EDRi network has long-urged European Union (EU) lawmakers to ensure that efforts to combat OCSEA (online child sexual exploitation and abuse) are lawful, effective and technically feasible. The goal to protect children online is vital. This can only be done if the proposed measures work and are compatible with human rights, including privacy and the presumption of innocence.
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2023: A good year for privacy, a bad year for chat control
With 2023 coming to a close, where does that leave the draft EU Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Regulation?
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CSAR: European Parliament rejects mass scanning of private messages. Here is why
On 22 November, the European Parliament officially adopted its position on the draft ‘Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse’ (CSAR). With strong support for this position from all seven European political groups, this marks a positive development for human rights in one of the most controversial draft European Union (EU) laws in recent memory.
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EU Parliament committee rejects mass scanning of private and encrypted communications
On 14th November, Members of the European Parliament’s ‘Civil Liberties’ committee voted against attempts from EU Home Affairs officials to roll out mass scanning of private and encrypted messages across Europe. It was a clear-cut vote, with a significant majority of MEPs supporting the proposed position.
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If the Commissioner isn’t responsible for DG HOME’s alleged unethical and unlawful actions, who is?
Serious concerns have been raised about the EU CSA Regulation by technologists, lawyers, NGOs, EU institutions, some child protection advocates and survivors and more. Recent allegations suggest that not only have these stakeholders been ignored - but that there may have been attempts by the EU Commission to manipulate the democratic process. The head of the Commission's Home Affairs unit has been grilled by MEPs about these allegations
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Activists come to Brussels to tell MEPs to ensure everyone’s digital security amid mass surveillance measures in CSA Regulation
Between 9 and 11 October, 23 Stop Scanning Me activists from 13 European countries travelled to Brussels. They were students, parents, lawyers, young activists, human rights defenders and technologists. They came on behalf of the 200,000 people who signed the movement petition to tell their EU representatives in the European Parliament that the CSA Regulation proposal must be rejected to prevent mass surveillance.
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CSA Regulation Document Pool
This document pool contains updates and resources on the EU's proposed 'Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse' (CSA Regulation)
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Position Paper: Age verification can’t ‘childproof’ the internet
EDRi has published its policy paper on age verification to shed light on the risks of the widespread use of age verification and to chart out possible alternative solutions.
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Is this the most criticised draft EU law of all time?
An unprecedentedly broad range of stakeholders have raised concerns that despite its important aims, the measures proposed in the draft EU Child Sexual Abuse Regulation are fundamentally incompatible with human rights.
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The Belgian government is failing to consider human rights in CSA Regulation
Despite the clear warnings, Belgium has taken a position calling on the EU to adopt the CSA regulation as quickly as possible, dismissing the technical problems, and without addressing the serious legal concerns that have been raised.
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