Digital Rights Management
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Europarl debate on PNR and data retention
On 9 March the European Parliament debated in plenary in Strasbourg about the transfer of passengerdata (PNR) to the US and asked the Commission about the Council plans for mandatory data retention. EU Justice Commissioner Frattini for the first time stated in public that the Commission sees no legal basis for a framework decision from […]
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Europe crowned as Internet Villain
Europe was crowned ‘Internet Villain’ of the year at the 7th Annual UK Internet Industry Award Ceremony, for “threatening the Country of Origin principle, which has encouraged e-commerce across the EU, and for the Draft Framework on Data Retention.” The awards are an initiative of the UK Internet Service Providers’ Association Council. Previous winners include […]
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Council adopts decision on attacks against information systems
On 24 February 2005 the JHA Council finally adopted the framework decision on attacks against information systems. The decision harmonises legislation in the EU for any offence committed against a computer infrastructure with the intention of destroying, modifying or altering the information stored on computers or networks of computers. The two key definitions in the […]
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European Council adopts software patents proposal
The European Competitiveness Council (the EU ministers of Economical Affairs/Industry) has adopted the controversial common position on software patents on 7 March 2005 as A-item. This classification means a proposal is adopted without further debate. Spain voted against. Austria, Belgium and Italy abstained, while Denmark, Cyprus, Latvia, Hungary, the Netherlands and Poland added a written […]
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Commission opposes framework decision on data retention
The European Commission has made it clear to all the Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs in the EU that there is no legal basis for a framework decision on mandatory data retention in the third pillar. The draft framework decision on data retention was introduced in April 2004 by the governments of France, the […]
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Brussels demonstration against software patents
On the cold Thursday morning of 17 February, 250-300 people gathered on the square between the European Commission and the Council of the European Union in Brussels, Belgium for a demonstration against patents on software ideas. The demonstration was aimed to support the request made that same day from the European Parliament Conference of Presidents, […]
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Controversy over EU Human Rights Agency
The plan from the European Commission to transform the Vienna Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia into an Agency for Fundamental Rights has met with strong criticism from the Council of Europe (46 member states). The Financial Times quotes Terry Davis, secretary-general of the Strasbourg-based Council of Europe, “With all the best will in the […]
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No extra regulation for Voice over IP
On 11 February the European Regulators Group (ERG) released a common statement against regulation of Voice over IP services. The statement from the 25 national regulatory authorities was welcomed by EU Commissioner Viviane Reding, responsible for Information Society and Media. In a press release from the Commission she says: “I expect Voice over IP to […]
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Rapporteur demands co-decision data retention
The rapporteur from the European Parliament on telecommunication data retention, Alexander Alvaro, has presented his first views on the draft framework decision in a turbulent meeting from the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). Alvaro proposed on 1 February 2005 to split the proposal in two, and give the European Parliament full […]
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EP committee wants new software patents proposal
On 2 February 2005 the legal affairs committee of the European Parliament (JURI) voted with an overwhelming majority (19-2) to get rid of the current software patent proposal and start all over again with a new proposal. Only 1 MEP voted against the initiative, and 1 MEP was absent. The former French prime minister Michel […]
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Microsoft excludes free software from EU ruling
The Free Software Foundation Europe says Microsoft is blocking Linux, Samba and other major open source projects from taking part in a protocol licensing scheme mandated by the European Commission’s antitrust ruling. If developers want to build the protocols into their products, they must agree not to distribute that product in source-code form, or to […]
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European countries promise collaboration against spam
The European Commission has issued a press release announcing stronger collaboration between anti-spam enforcement authorities in Europe. “Anti-spam enforcement authorities in 13 European countries have agreed to share information and pursue complaints across borders in a pan-European drive to combat spam. They will co-operate in investigating complaints about cross-border spam from anywhere within the EU, […]
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