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Growing concerns on “e-evidence”: Council publishes its draft general approach
On 30 November 2018, the Council of the European Union published a draft text for its general approach on the proposal for a regulation on European Production and Preservation Orders in criminal matters – also known as “e-evidence”. The text is to be adopted by EU Member States, represented in the Council.
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Independent study reveals the pitfalls of “e-evidence” proposals
The conclusion of the study could not be clearer: “The added value of the new cooperation regime (quick and effective access to provider data) is mainly based on the abolition of cooperation obstacles and procedures ensuring effective protection of fundamental rights.”
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EU “e-evidence” proposals turn service providers into judicial authorities
Today, 17 April, the European Commission unveiled two proposals: a Regulation on cross-border access to and preservation of electronic data held by service providers and a Directive to require service providers to appoint a legal representative within the EU. The core of the Commission’s “e-evidence” initiative is that national judicial or administrative bodies can ask […]
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Nearly 100 public interest organisations urge Council of Europe to ensure high transparency standards for cybercrime negotiations
In light of the passing of the CLOUD Act in the United States that undermines the rights to privacy and other rights, the forthcoming proposal of the European Union on e-evidence, and other initiatives, it is vitally important that the T-CY listens to and engages with civil society proactively and in a timely manner. Civil society wants to engage in this process to ensure the new protocol will uphold the highest human rights standards.
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CLOUD Act: Civil society urges US Congress to consider global implications
On 19 March 2018, European Digital Rights (EDRi) co-signed a letter with three other civil society organisations, asking the US Congress to ensure that the “Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data Act” (the US “CLOUD Act”) is not attached to the omnibus bill. If the CLOUD Act is attached to the omnibus bill, it would […]
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2018: Important consultations for your Digital Rights!
Public consultations are an opportunity to influence the future legislation at an early stage, in the European Union and beyond. They are your opportunity to help to shape a brighter future for digital rights, such as your right to an open internet, a private life, and data protection, or your freedom of opinion and expression.
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Privacy Camp 2018: Speech, settings and [in]security by design
Join us for the 6th annual Privacy Camp! Privacy Camp will take place on 23 January 2018 in Brussels, Belgium, just before the start of the CPDP conference. Privacy Camp brings together civil society, policy-makers and academia to discuss existing and looming problems for human rights in the digital environment. In the face of a […]
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Cross-border access to data has to respect human rights principles
The Council of Europe started preparing an additional protocol to the Cybercrime Convention – a new tool for law enforcement authorities (LEAs) to have access to data in the context of criminal investigations. Ahead of the first meeting of the Drafting Group, EDRi coordinated a civil society submission, signed by 14 organisations from around the […]
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Cross-border access to data: EDRi delivers international NGO position to Council of Europe
Today, 18 September 2017, a global coalition of civil society organisations, led by European Digital Rights (EDRi), submitted to the Council of Europe its comments on how to protect human rights when developing new rules on cross-border access to electronic evidence (“e-evidence”). The Council of Europe is currently preparing an additional protocol to the Cybercrime […]
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Winter is here
This autumn announces itself much colder and threatening for our rights and freedoms than we thought: The e-Privacy Regulation and copyright reform are the two main pieces of EU legislation that will keep the digital rights defenders of EDRi’s Brussels office busy. We will also continue our work on implementation of the General Data Protection […]
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Access to e-evidence: Inevitable sacrifice of our right to privacy?
What do you do when human rights “get in the way” of tackling crime and terrorism? You smash those pillars of your democratic values – the same ones you are supposedly protecting. Give up your right to privacy, it is a fair price to pay for the guarantee of your security! This is the mantra […]
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RightsCon session on cross-border access to e-evidence – key interventions
European Digital Rights organised a session at the RightsCon conference in Brussels on 31 March 2017, in order to build awareness among stakeholders about the multiple international developments on law enforcement access to electronic evidence. The bulk of the discussions focussed on a possible new protocol to the Cybercrime (Budapest) Convention of the Council of […]
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