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Smart Borders package: Unproportionate & unnecessary data collection
“The proposal is fear-driven and fear-triggering at the same time, placing emphasis on a putative need to protect the EU from those coming from outside.” (Extract from EDRi’s response to the consultation) In an attempt to overcome the failed proposal from 2013 on the Smart Borders package, the European Commission launched a consultation to prepare […]
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ENDitorial: The EU’s data protection reform – a lost opportunity?
“Someone who knows things about us has some measure of control over us, and someone who knows everything about us has a lot of control over us. Surveillance facilitates control.” – Bruce Schneier, cryptographer and security expert When the European Union talks about modernising EU rules on data protection in the digital age, the most […]
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ENDitorial: A system you never heard of undermined net neutrality
Trialogues. You may never have heard of them but they’re the single biggest threat to the credibility of European Parliament’s claim to be a democratic institution. Net neutrality explains why. In September 2013, the European Commission produced its half-baked anti-net neutrality/spectrum/user-rights/roaming proposal. The European Commission believed that the “end of roaming” was such an attractive […]
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Can the US be a “safe harbor” for travel surveillance?
This article is a shortened version of an analysis originally published on http://papersplease.org/wp/2015/10/29/can-the-us-be-a-safe-harbor-for-travel-surveillance At its plenary session on 29 October in Strasbourg, the European Parliament adopted a “Resolution on the electronic mass surveillance of European Union citizens”. As part of the Resolution, the European Parliament, “[c]alls on the EU Member States to drop any criminal […]
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Austrian BBA awarded to the new intelligence services act
On 25 October, Austrian EDRi member q/uintessenz organised the annual Big Brother Awards Gala. It was held in Vienna at the Rabenhof Theatre, with over 300 people attending to “honour” the biggest privacy invaders of this year. Organised annually since 1999, this was the 17th time the Gala was held. It was broadcast via national […]
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Minister of Interior and National Police Force win Dutch BBA 2015
Amsterdam hosted four big privacy conferences in October 2015: the Amsterdam Privacy Conference and the Privacy Law Scholars Conference, both for academia, the International Privacy Conference for regulators, and the Dutch Big Brother Awards, organised by EDRi member Bits of Freedom on 29 October in Stadsschouwburg. The winner of the Big Brother Audience Award is […]
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