EDRi-gram 14.05
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The lobby-tomy 2: What was the lobbying about?
What do companies really think about privacy protection? Publicly everybody thinks privacy is important, but do they think the same thing behind closed doors? What were the hot issues during the lobby and did everybody treat privacy protection well? The new European data protection regulation is the most lobbied piece of legislation so far because […]
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Italy, net neutrality law proposal under consideration
On 8 July 2014, Italian MP Stefano Quintarelli submitted a law proposal which covers net neutrality, despite never mentioning those words. The draft law represents a positive input for network neutrality in Italy. This article explains why. Art. 3(1) of the proposed text (“Limitations to the management for traffic”) foresees that “ISPs (Internet Service Providers) […]
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Do privacy and the open Internet cause gambling debt in Sweden?
In the middle of January, a mid-sized Swedish Internet Service Provider (ISP) called attention to access blocking proposals made by a Swedish government committee on gambling regulation. The gambling committee was created to deal with recent legal challenges by the European Commission to Swedish gambling legislation. Access blocking is one of several measures to prevent […]
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Joint civil society statement on counter-terrorism and human rights
On 1 March 2016 13 civil society organisations, including EDRi, Amnesty International, Forum of European Muslim Youth and Student Organisations (FEMYSO), European Association for the Defense of Human Rights (AEDH) and Fair Trials published a joint civil society statement called „Counter-terrorism: The EU and its Member States must respect and protect human rights and the […]
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ENDitorial: Is “privacy” still relevant in a world of bastard data?
Should we still be talking about “privacy” in a world invaded by bastard data? We all knew what privacy was when it came to our data. We had our names and addresses, we had our store cards, we had our medical records, we had our insurance, we had our travel tickets, and the list goes […]
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UK’s mass surveillance law being rushed through legislative process
Last week, the UK government published the Investigatory Powers Bill, a new surveillance law that has been heavily criticised by privacy and free speech activists, the technology industry, lawyers and academics. A draft version of the Bill was published in November 2015 and scrutinised by three parliamentary committees. Between them, they made 123 recommendations for […]
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