EDRi-gram 14.11
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Sweden: Yet more surveillance or real evidence-based decision-making?
In Sweden the government is rapidly advancing an agenda for more online surveillance. Two public investigations have been launched to look into new rules for search warrants and the introduction of new secret means of surveillance, namely remote equipment and software interference.
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Make-or-break summer for EU Net Neutrality – First stop: Vienna
Vienna, city of diplomacy and birthplace of countless international deals, will soon host crucial negotiations on the future of the open internet. On 3 June, EU Telecom regulators will gather in Vienna to discuss the implementation of new EU Net Neutrality laws. Following mass mobilisation in India and the USA, the expectations to deliver real […]
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The lobby-tomy 7: Not all roads lead to privacy
Within the privacy world, different schools of thought exist. Connecting different viewpoints to a seemingly positive ideology is also sales technique. The new European data protection regulation is the most lobbied piece of legislation thus far. This is because the subject is very important and touches upon almost every aspect of our daily lives. Therefore […]
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EDRi and Access Now withdraw from the EU Commission IT Forum discussions
Today, on 31 May, European Digital Rights (EDRi) and Access Now delivered a joint statement on the EU Commission’s “EU Internet Forum”, announcing our decision not to take part in future discussions and confirming that we do not have confidence in the ill considered “code of conduct” that was agreed. Launched at the end of […]
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