electronic communications
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Telecom reform in Austria: consumers must benefit from Router Freedom
Austria is reforming its telecommunications law to incorporate the new European directives on electronic communications. The Austrian government has now an unique opportunity to leverage router freedom at the legislative level to protect consumers and the market. EDRi's member epicenter.works sheds some light on the reform.
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Net neutrality overhaul: 5G, zero-rating, parental control, DPI
The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) is currently in the process of overhauling their guidelines on the implementation of the Regulation (EU) 2015/2120, which forms the legal basis of the EU’s net neutrality rules. At its most recent plenary, BEREC produced new draft guidelines and opened a public consultation on this draft. […]
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The sixth attempt to introduce mandatory SIM registration in Romania
A tragic failure by the police to save a teenage girl who was abducted but managed to call the 112 emergency number three times before she was murdered, led to the adoption of a new Emergency Ordinance in Romania. The law introduces several measures to improve the 112 system, one of which is mandatory SIM card registration for all prepaid users. Currently approximately ten million prepaid SIM cards are used in Romania.
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#NetCompetition wants an improved Electronic Communications Code
Today, on 13 March 2017, #NetCompetition, an alliance of consumer organisations, service providers and network operators, digital rights organisations and online content providers, adopted its position paper on the European Commission’s proposal for a European Electronic Communications Code. Despite some general positive aspects, we have concluded that the proposed Directive to establish a European Electronic Communications […]
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2015: Consultations of importance to digital rights
The following is a list of consultations that are of particular importance to digital rights in 2015. We will regularly update this blog post with deadlines, EDRi’s responses and other information that might help you respond. The European institutions and international policy-making bodies frequently organise consultations, which are open not only to industry but also […]
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