Euroean Commission
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ENDitorial: Commissioner defends nuclear attack on internet freedom
The European Commission launched its proposal for a Copyright Directive in September 2016. The legislation includes new rules on filtering of uploads to the internet, text and data mining and the so-called “link tax”.
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European Commission defence of European rights sinks in an unsafe harbour
Following the decision of the European Court of Justice to overturn the EU/US “Safe Harbor” Agreement last year, EU/US negotiations have been ongoing to reach a new deal, which would facilitate transfer of data across the Atlantic. Having failed to reach an agreement before 1 February, the European Commission today announced plans to back down […]
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Why is Safe Harbour II such a challenge?
It seems baffling to many outside the Brussels bubble – and certainly our friends across the Atlantic – that reaching a revised Safe Harbour deal has proved so difficult. Part of the problem is Europe. The United States was able to negotiate a questionable deal with the EU to gain access to financial transaction data […]
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