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Why is Safe Harbour II such a challenge?
It seems baffling to many outside the Brussels bubble – and certainly our friends across the Atlantic – that reaching a revised Safe Harbour deal has proved so difficult. Part of the problem is Europe. The United States was able to negotiate a questionable deal with the EU to gain access to financial transaction data […]
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Obama urges the FCC to adopt rules to ensure net neutrality
In a speech on 10 November, US President Barack Obama made a strong statement calling for net neutrality. He urged the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to adopt rules to prevent Internet access providers from blocking or slowing down content, and from charging service providers to let them use a “fast lane” to reach their clients. […]
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ID requirements in Europe
Only a few EU-member states currently have ID-requirements. Privacy-authorities and civil rights groups alike doubt the practical effects and warn against highly arbitrary checks. Belgium, France and Spain, where ID-requirements have been in place for a long time, have bad track-records of police discrimination. Belgium currently has the strictest legislation, requiring everybody age 15 and […]
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