Freedom of speech
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The Lobby on ACTA is reaching a new level
This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Lobbyarbeit für ACTA erreicht neue Dimensionen |] When the Commission calls for ACTA support, the chosen ones in industry happily follow. Going back a few months, in November 2011, at an International Fragrance Association event, Pedro Velasco Martins from the European Commission (DG Trade, Deputy Head of […]
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ACTA "uprising" in Poland
This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ACTA-“Aufstand” in Polen |] Polish youth apparently decided to break the stereotypes about the nation’s passiveness and lack of interest in Internet politics. As soon as the Polish government announced that ACTA would be signed on 26 January, we became witnesses of an amazing movement. Hundreds of […]
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What's Wrong with ACTA Week
This article is also available in: Deutsch: [What’s Wrong with ACTA Week – Aktionswoche “Was läuft falsch bei ACTA” |] Since many politicians and citizens are not yet aware of ACTA’s serious implications, EDRi has launched a “What’s Wrong with ACTA Week”. We have put together five one-page briefing documents which briefly summarise the […]
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The US pressure on Spain to censor the Internet has paid off
This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Internetzensur: Einflussnahme der USA auf Spanien macht sich bezahlt |] The US has continued to pressure Spain since 2008 to adopt measures against users allegedly illegally downloading copyrighted music and movies from file-sharing networks. And now this pressure has paid off; the Spanish Congress approved at the […]
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What's Wrong with ACTA Week
Introduction The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is a plurilateral international agreement which wants to set a “gold standard” for the enforcement of intellectual property rights. The Agreement will have major implications for freedom of expression, access to culture and privacy. It will also harm international trade and stifle innovation. Decision-time in the European Parliament In […]
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Scarlet v SABAM: a win for fundamental rights and Internet freedoms
This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Scarlet vs. SABAM: Ein Sieg für die Grundrechte und die Freiheit des Internets |] On 24 November 2011, the European Court of Justice decided that an Internet service provider (ISP) can not be ordered to install a system of filtering of all electronic communications and blocking certain […]
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Dutch Parliament: no discussions on ACTA if negotiations are still secret
This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ACTA: Niederländisches Parlament lehnt geheime Verhandlungen ab |] ACTA is creating quite some noise, not only internationally but also domestically. National Parliaments, including the Dutch Parliament, will have to decide whether they will approve ACTA or not. In order to correctly assess the implications of ACTA, the […]
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Italian Police blocks sites that had banners to alleged illegal websites
This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Italienische Polizei sperrt Seiten mit Bannerwerbung für mutmaßlich illegale Inhalte |] The Italian cybercrime police, Guardia di Finanza Agropoli, has recently DNS blocked a series of websites that were offering links to content indexed on BitTorrent, cyberlockers and eDonkey networks. Five of the blocked sites belonged to […]
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Stop(ped) ACTA!
On 4 July, the European Parliament has rejected ACTA with an overwhelming majority (478 against, 39 in favour, 165 abstentions). If you want to see who voted what you can either have a look here on Votewatch or all the details per groups and countries on here. Our first reaction to the vote is here. […]
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Booklet: Why you should care about ACTA
The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is a plurilateral agreement which proposes international standards for enforcement of intellectual property rights. The Agreement, negotiated by a handful of countries1 in coordination with certain parts of industry, is controversial in both process and substance. If ratified, it will have major implications for freedom of expression, access to culture […]
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Finnish ISP ordered to block The Pirate Bay
This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Finnischer Provider soll “The Pirate Bay” sperren |] Hot on the heels of a Belgian court decision obligating two ISPs to block the Pirate Bay, the Helsinki District Court ruled on 26 October 2011 that the large Finnish ISP Elisa must block access to The Pirate Bay […]
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ENDitorial: Belgian music industry acts to undermine copyright law
This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ENDitorial: Belgische Musikindustrie versucht Urheberrecht zu untergraben |] We have all heard the music industry make claims about the vast amount of “piracy” going on, such as the estimation that from 2008 to 2015, the music industry was going to lose an amount equivalent to the combined […]
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