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Snowden revelations: ten years on
Ten years ago, the first revelations about US mass surveillance were published in the UK and USA. The revelations swiftly widened to encompass details about the role of the UK’s GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) in the global gathering of vast amounts of communications data.
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Q&A: PI case – UK High Court judgment on general warrants and government hacking explained
EDRi member Privacy International (PI) explain in some detail what their case involving UK intelligence services using general warrants is about.
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Case Closed: Ombudsman decides GCHQ letters are of public interest
Almost two years after having been opened, case 2004/2013/PMC was closed by Emily O’Reilly, the EU Ombudsman, on the 5 November 2015. The case concerned the complain of a German journalist about the European Commission’s refusal to allow access to documents on internet surveillance by the British secret services – mainly the Government Communications Headquarters […]
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UK Draft Investigatory Powers Bill: Missed opportunity
The UK Government has published a draft of the long-awaited Investigatory Powers Bill. Since the Snowden revelations, civil liberty groups have been calling for a new law that would restrain the UK intelligence and law enforcement agencies. The UK government, however, has been calling for increased surveillance powers since the failure of the draft Communications […]
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Danish anti-terror proposal expands surveillance
On 19 February 2015, the Danish government presented a 12-point plan for new anti-terror initiatives in response to the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris and the shooting incident in Copenhagen on 14 February. This will become the third major anti-terror package since 2001 to be presented to the Danish Parliament. The focus of the plan […]
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Did GCHQ spy on you? Find out now!
Since its launch on 16 February 2015, over 25 000 people have joined an international campaign to try to learn whether Britain’s intelligence agency, GCHQ, illegally spied on them. This opportunity is possible thanks to court victory in the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT), a secret court set up to hear complaints against the British Security […]
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UK court finds secret spying docs made surveillance illegal
Several human rights groups are celebrating a major victory against the Five Eyes, an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the US, as the UK surveillance tribunal ruled on 6 February that the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) acted unlawfully in accessing millions of private communications collected by the National Security Agency […]
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Hacktivists targeted by British spies
According to documents released by Snowden on NSA activities, a secret British division of GCHQ named Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG), meant to mount cyber attacks on Britain’s enemies, was targeting the hacktivists of Anonymous and LulzSec. The documents reveal that JTRIG launched a “denial of service” (DDOS) attack (dubbed Rolling Thinder) and other […]
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