Jurisprudence 2
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French E-commerce law tested in constitutional court
EDRI-member IRIS and the French Human Rights League (LDH) have sent a brief to the French Constitutional council regarding the unconstitutionality of the French transposition of the E-commerce Directive (Loi pour la confiance dans l’economie numerique or LEN). On 18 May 2004 the French socialist MPs submitted the finalised law to the Constitutional Council, following […]
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Two online journalists arrested in the Ukraine
Reporters Sans Frontieres (RSF) reports the arrest of 2 online journalists in the Ukraine. In two separate incidents, Ukrainian authorities detained the online journalists Kostyantyn Sydorenko and Olexandre Pomytkin. Sydorenko is an online journalist who had been reporting on a mayoral election in the western part of the country. When he went to a local […]
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Recommended reading: report 2003 of the EU network on fundamental rights
The EU Network of Independent Experts on Fundamental Rights published their 2003 report. The network has been set up by the European Commission, upon request of the European Parliament. Since 2002, it monitors the situation of fundamental rights in the Member States and in the Union, on the basis of the Charter of Fundamental Rights. […]
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Study: ISPs too eager to take down legal content
In a study about notice and take down procedures, researchers from the Oxford university centre for socio-legal studies were shocked to find how easily internet providers take down perfectly legal content. As mystery-shoppers they opened up 2 websites in July and November 2003, one in the United States and one in the United Kingdom with […]
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Final French vote on controversial Digital Economy Law
Tomorrow, 6 May 2004, the French national assembly will have the final reading of the controversial digital economy law (Loi sur la confiance dans l’economie numerique, LEN), followed by a final reading in the Senate on 13 May 2004. This will conclude the French transposition process of the E-Commerce Directive (2000/31/EC) and part of the […]
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French Senate to vote on controversial Digital Economy Law
On 8 April the French Senate will vote about a controversial new law to translate the E-Commerce Directive (2000/31/EC). The law known as LEN (‘Loi sur la confiance dans l’economie numerique’), has been heavily opposed by EDRI-member IRIS, Reporters without Borders, several trade unions, internet user groups and the association of internet providers for undermining […]
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Privacy-penalty for French Scientology critic
In France the owner of a website was convicted to pay a penalty of 450 Euro for publishing personal data without first registering with the Data Protection Authority, the CNIL. On 25 February the appeal-court of Lyon confirmed the earlier ruling, even though the judges decided to suspend payment of the penalty. Remarkably the website-owner, […]
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Romanian journalist fired for internet posting
Ms Brindusa Armanca, a journalist from the Public Romanian Television, was fired recently for an internet posting. She was accused of spreading negative opinions about the public broadcaster via a discussion list on the internet. The discussion list is FreeEx, a public online forum dedicated to journalists hosted by Yahoo. The list is part of […]
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French provider wins lawsuit about website
The French provider RAS does not have to remove a website from the trade-union SUD-PTT. On 24 November a Paris court rejected the claim from 2 telemarketing companies that the website was both hurtful and defamatory. The rejection is technical; the companies should have chosen 1 single argument for their complaint. The contested remarks state […]
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State take-over of top-level domain in Ukraine
The government of Ukraine is trying to take-over the national .ua top-level domain. Via a new act on the administration of the .ua domain, adopted on 22 July 2003, the new enterprise Ukrainian Network Information Centre was established and made responsible. The act was apparently adopted after complaints in the media by government officials about […]
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Lawsuit about website French trade union
On Monday 3 November, in intermediary proceedings against not-for-profit provider RAS in a Paris court, two telemarketing companies demanded the immediate take-down of the website of the radical trade union SUD PTT. The lawsuit was brought against the ISP and the trade union by the companies Ceritex and Mediatel. According to their complaint, some remarks […]
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Reporters sans frontieres banned from WSIS
Reporters Sans Frontieres, a non-governmental organisation fighting for freedom of the press, was banned from further participation in the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). According to a letter from the Executive Director of the Summit, RSF was excluded for ‘administrative reasons’. The exclusion is in fact a direct result of a protest RSF […]
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