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NSA Whistleblower Bill Binney wins Sam Adams Award
Former technical director of the NSA turned whistleblower William “Bill” Binney, received the Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence on 22 January in a ceremony organised in Berlin, Germany. Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence (SAAII) is a movement of former colleagues of a CIA intelligence analyst Sam Adams. SAAII grants its annual […]
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Internet Governance Forum and Internet Ungovernance Forum
The ninth Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was held in Istanbul, Turkey, on 2-5 September. EDRi member Alternative Informatics Association (AIA) submitted four proposals to the IGF, but all of them were rejected. As a result, AIA decided to organise a parallel event, the Internet Ungovernance Forum (IUF). The IUF attracted considerable interest among Internet researchers and activists […]
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Russia and Austria take action against use of Tor
Russian government is offering 3,9 million roubles (approximately 85 000 Euro) for a way to identify users transmitting data over the anonymous web browsing system Tor. The special technology and communications group of the interior ministry published the tender on the government procurement website in July, offering the reward for “research work, Tor cipher”. The […]
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Germany asks CIA chief to leave the country over spying scandal
On 10 July 2014, the German government told the senior CIA representative in Berlin, known as the station chief, to leave the country over spying allegations. The decision came one day after German authorities searched an apartment and an office of a German military intelligence official alleged to have been working for the US intelligence. […]
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Irish High Court refers the Facebook/PRISM case to the CJEU
On 18 June 2014 Ireland’s High Court referred the request to investigate Facebook’s international headquarters in Ireland over its involvement in the PRISM scandal to the European Court of Justice (CJEU). CJEU was asked to review the case and to clarify whether the social network’s actions are compatible with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. […]
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Belgian Big Brother Awards 2014: This year’s winners are…
On 4 June, EDRi member Liga voor Mensenrechten granted the Belgian Big Brother Awards. The public voted for the former public prosecutor Yves Liégeois for his views on DNA databases for newborn babies. The second prize, the professional jury’s prize, went to the “smartphone”, our ever-present pocket-size spy, and the third prize, the Lifetime Achievement […]
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Anniversary of Snowden revelations: The year we fight back
On 5 June 2013, the Guardian published Edward Snowden’s first documents. These showed that the NSA was using a secret court order to collect millions of customers’ phone calls of the US company Verizon. Snowden’s subsequent disclosures confirmed what many privacy activists were suspecting for a long time: that the US government and its allies […]
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Norwegian Intelligence Service acquires supercomputer
According tothe leaked NSA internal information paper “NSA Intelligence Relationship with Norway”, the Norwegian Intelligence Service NIS is acquiring a supercomputer codenamed Steelwinter as part of a 100 million dollar investment program, to be able to crack strong cryptology and analyse vast amounts of data. “NIS is in the process of acquiring Steel Winter (a […]
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German ministers and Wikileaks on the NSA surveillance list
As if what has been revealed until now were not enough, after being ordered by President Barack Obama to stop spying on Chancellor Angela Merkel, it appears that NSA has decided to extend its spying activities to other German government officials. “We have had the order not to miss out on any information now that […]
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Merkel wants “Safe Communication Networks” for the EU
In the light of the NSA spying scandal, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has announced plans to set up a European communications network meant to curb the US and GCHQ mass surveillance. “We will speak to France about this and about all things regarding what kind of European providers we have who can offer security for […]
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Open letter by 23 European organisations in support of Snowden’s nomination for the Sakharov prize
Today, 23 European non-governmental organisations released an open letter to the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament in support of Edward Snowden’s nomination for the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought 2013. Dear Presidents, We write to you on behalf of 23 European non-governmental organisations protecting fundamental rights, including the freedom of expression and […]
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