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Another Christmas (copyright) wish list for 2015
The copyright reform announced by both Andrus Ansip, Vice-President for the Digital Single Market, and Günther Oettinger, Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, is going to be one of the core priorities of the new Commission’s Digital Agenda in 2015. Ansip has shown signs of interest to tackle copyright […]
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The “Google tax” that is not a Google tax
The new European Commissioner with responsibility for “digital agenda” issues, Guenther Oettinger caused a stir in the media recently when he raised the possibility of introducing “ancillary copyright” payments, requiring search engine providers to pay for displaying copyrighted materials on their sites, on the EU level. The press was all of a sudden full of […]
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Summary of the Commissioners-designate hearings
Between 29 September and 7 October the hearings of the Commissioners-designate in the European Parliament took place. This is a brief summary of the six hearings when the Commissioners-designate were answering to the MEPs’ questions regarding digital rights, privacy issues and trade agreements. Guenther Oettinger (Germany) is the nominee for the Digital Economy and Society […]
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