Pavel Svoboda
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Preparations for a comprehensive copyright reform in the EU Parliament: Document pool
In the field of EU copyright policy, there are two European Parliament own-initiative reports (which will become a non-binding non-legal resolution) which EDRi is following closely. Firstly, there is the report on the implementation of the so-called “InfoSoc Directive” by Julia Reda. This report analyses a Directive which contains core elements of EU copyright law, including […]
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UN report on copyright – is the EU really a beacon of human rights?
Copyright has seen a spectacular rise in importance, both politically and legally, in recent decades. The digitisation of cultural and scientific goods has led many rights holders to see strengthened copyright protection as the only means of ensuring the survival of the cultural industry. To a large extent the rights holders’ quest for more legal […]
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European Parliament failing to support copyright reform
Everyone is talking about EU copyright reform. However, in the European Parliament, everyone is having the same discussions on enforcement that they were having ten years ago – and talking about stopping any reform. The Draft Report “Towards a renewed consensus on the enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights: An EU Action Plan” (2014/2151(INI)) presented by […]
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