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European Commission guidelines on the AI Act implementation must center human rights and justice
Over 25 civil society organisations and experts actively following the implementation of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act are urging the European Commission’s AI Office to ensure that the upcoming Commission guidelines clarify fundamental rights as the central guiding basis to enable meaningful AI Act enforcement. They also note note the various shortcomings of the Commission’s consultation process.
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#ProtectNotSurveil: The EU AI Act fails migrants and people on the move
The #ProtectNotSurveil coalition is calling attention to how the EU AI Act - adopted by the European Parliament on March 13 - is failing to prevent harm and provide protection for migrants and people on the move.
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As AI Act vote nears, the EU needs to draw a red line on racist surveillance
The EU Artificial Intelligence Act, commonly known as the AI Act, is the first of its kind. Not only will it be a landmark as the first binding legislation on AI in the world – it is also one of the first tech-focused laws to meaningfully address how technologies perpetuate structural racism.
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#ProtectNotSurveil: EU must ban AI uses against people on the move
As the European Parliament regulates the most harmful AI technologies, a coalition of civil society calls on the EU to #ProtectNotSurveil people on the move.
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