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Open letter to Christofer Fjellner MEP
Swedish text below Dear Mr Fjellner, I am writing to you with regard to your recent blog post on ACTA. First of all thank you for providing a clarification after you tabled an amendment for the International Trade Committee vote next week calling for ACTA to be ratified. We are heartened to read that you […]
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Is ACTA the best thing ever to happen to the European Union?
For decades, committed pro-European politicians and academics have wished for a number of ingredients that would be necessary for the credibility of the European institutional framework. They wanted an effective, representative and democratic European Parliament. They wanted a European Parliament that was not just theoretically an equal player in the institutional framework in Brussels, but […]
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Numbers at ACTA demonstrations exceed expectations
After all of the announcements of ACTA’s death, one would wonder why anybody would have felt the need to turn up to the anti-ACTA demonstrations today. In April, the European Parliamentarian in charge of the ACTA dossier said that ACTA was dead.[1] In May, the European Commissioner for the Information Society, Neelie Kroes, said that […]
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French Court considers YouTube non liable for the content
This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Frankreich: YouTube haftet nicht für Inhalte |] On 29 May 2012, in a case brought to court by TF1 against Google for its YouTube service, the High Court of Paris ruled that YouTube was just a hosting service and therefore not bound to police the content posted […]
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The plans to bring ACTA back to life
Dieser Artikel auf Deutsch Cet article en français Introduction Following the initial discussions in the European Parliament and the overwhelmingly negative workshop that was held on 1 March, ACTA is close to dead in Europe. What are the strategies for bringing it back to life and how will this impact on other similar initiatives? How […]
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FAQ on referral of ACTA to European Court of Justice
This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Häufig gestellte Fragen zur Vorlage des ACTA-Abkommens beim Europäischen Gerichtshof|] Following the recent decision of the European Commission to refer the draft Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) to the European Court of Justice, Access and EDRi have prepared this short FAQ to explain this process. 1 – How […]
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SABAM vs Netlog – another important ruling for fundamental rights
SABAM (Société Belge des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs), the Belgian collecting society for music royalties, is in the spotlight again. A few months after the Scarlet/SABAM case, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has released a new decision on the legality of filtering systems on the Internet, this time with regard to […]
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FAVA'S bill: Another attempt to limit civil rights in Italy
This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Das FAVA Gesetz – ein neuer Versuch zur Beschneidung der Bürgerrechte in Italien |] There is a wide (and mainly unjustified) hype, in Italy, about a draft law proposed by a Mr. Fava, an MP belonging to the right wing party “Northern League”. He asked the Italian […]
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US crackdown on global domain names and IP addresses continues
This article is also available in: Deutsch: [US-Razzien gegen Domains und IP-Adressen gehen weiter |] US authorities have resumed their “Operation in Our Sites” in order to attempt to fight counterfeit and piracy-related websites. During this second annual “Cyber Monday” crackdown, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has shut down 150 websites from all […]
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Higher numbers of content removal requests from governments to Google
This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Google: Deutlich mehr Löschanfragen von Regierungen |] Macedonian: [Сè поголем број владини барања за отстранување содржини од Google | Сè поголем број владини барања за отстранување содржини од Google] A Transparency Report issued by Google shows an increasing level of government requests of private data and content […]
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Constitutional Court: limited responsibility for bloggers in France
This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Französisches Verfassungsgericht schränkt Haftung von Bloggern ein |] The French Constitutional Court decided on 16 September 2011 that the website administrators (such as editors of blogs or online forums) should not automatically be held criminally responsible for online comments posted on their sites. The action was brought […]
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US Hotline reports vast improvements in removal of child abuse websites
This article is also available in: Deutsch: [US-Hotline verzeichnet große Erfolge bei der Löschung von Missbrauchsdarstellungen |ße_Erfolge_bei_der_Loeschung_von_Missbrauchsdarstellungen?pk_campaign=edri&pk_kwd=20110901] In the course of the past year the US National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) made huge improvements in its handling of both domestic and international reports of web-based child abuse material. These sudden and […]
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