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The European Media Freedom Act: a unique opportunity to safeguard Europe’s media and democratic values
Media independence, freedom and plurality are under pressure in the EU. The upcoming European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) is a unique opportunity to protect Europe’s media and, by ensuring a diverse information ecosystem, also safeguarding EU democratic values.
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The Need for a Council of Europe Recommendation on Combatting SLAPPs
104 civil society organisations call on the Council of Europe (CoE) to act urgently on the growing threat of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs).
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Open Letter: ending gag lawsuits in Europe – protecting democracy and fundamental rights
The European Digital Rights network joined 118 civil society organisations from across the globe in signing an open letter (the latest act of a longstanding movement) addressing the need to end gag lawsuits that threaten the public interest by allowing powerful actors to silence those that would speak against them.
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