Telecommunication data retention
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Largest anti-surveillance street protest in Germany for 20 years
On Saturday, 22 September 2007, more than 15,000 took to the streets of Berlin under the slogan “Liberty instead of Fear – stop the Surveillance Mania!”. Several Civil Liberty organisations, affiliated in the “Working Group Data Retention” (Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung), organised the march. 55 groups called for participation, among them the “Young Liberals” (Junge Liberale, Youth […]
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Recommanded Reading
Data Protection Framework Decision: EDPS concerned about dilution of Data Protection standards Nuffield Council on Bioethics : The forensic use of bioinformation: ethical issues. This Report considers whether current police powers in the UK to take and retain bioinformation are justified by the need to fight crime. Executive Summary Full Report
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The European Court of Human Rights could influence the UK DNA database
Sir Stephen Sedley has recently proposed the enlargement of the DNA database in UK to cover the entire population and visitors that stay in UK even for a week, under the argument of creating a fairer system and eliminating the ethnical unbalance in the present database. But a case brought by 2 English people to […]
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Is the IP address still a personal data in France?
Although the answer to this question may be obvious not only in France, but also in Europe, two decisions from the Paris Appeal Court may well change this established understanding. The decisions, respectively published on 27 April and 15 May 2007, concern individuals to the SCPP (a French collecting society of recording companies), in two […]
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US moves for "state secrets" privilege in the SWIFT case
The US Government has announced its intention to use the so called “state secrets” privilege legal tool in order to stop the lawsuit against SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) that has secretly disclosed millions of private financial records to CIA. According to the Justice Department’ s statement during the recent court filings, the […]
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EU asks the customers' opinion on the DoubleClick -Google affair
As Google plans to buy out U.S. web advertising supplier DoubleClick, the European Commission has already sent questionnaires to Google customers on the matter, even before Google has actually filed to the European Union’s top antitrust regulator for the purchase. This is considered a rather unusual step as although the European Commission has frequently sent […]
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US law threatens non-US citizens' privacy rights
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) A Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act proposed by the US Administration was passed by the US Congress on 4 August 2007 allowing US intelligence services to intercept electronic communications between US, but also non-US citizens, if the communication passes across US-based networks, without needing a court order. A […]
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Search engines dealing with privacy standards
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Google has recently announced a new change in its privacy policies by reducing its cookies lifetime to just two years, but experts warn this is more a PR move than a substantial one. However, other search engines started the discussions on their privacy issues. A new post […]
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EDPS – Data Protection Directive should be fully implemented
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The EDPS (European Data Protection Supervisor), Peter Hustinx, issued on 25 July 2007 an opinion on the European Commission communication regarding the improved implementation of the EC Data protection directive (95/46), considering that the Directive should not be amended and asking for its full implementation before applying […]
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BEUC expresses concern over DoubleClick acquisition by Google
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) A joined letter regarding the proposed DoubleClick acquisition by Google was sent to the Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes by BEUC (the coalition of all consumers’ organisations in Europe) together with other consumer protection organizations from Germany, Italy and Spain. The letter says that “the proposed transaction may […]
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Irish insurance industry gets personal data from Police
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The Irish Data Protection Commissioner has indicated that there is a widespread problem with government officials selling or leaking personal information to the insurance industry. Recent media reports have indicated that members of the Irish police force have been providing access to the police computer system to […]
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Final agreements between EU and USA on PNR and SWIFT
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) After a long and difficult period of negotiations, on 28-29 June 2007, final agreements were reached between EU and USA on the data regarding European financial transactions operated by Belgian consortium SWIFT and on the passenger name records (PNR) issue respectively. Regarding the access to financial data […]
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