Telecommunication data retention
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German privacy authorities criticise data retention
The data protection commissioners of 14 of Germany’s 15 states (Laender) as well as the National commissioner, Peter Schaar, have severely criticised the EU plan for mandatory traffic data retention and called upon the German government to vote against the proposal in the EU council of ministers. “There are good reasons why the national legislator […]
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EDRI signs TACD resolution against PNR-transfer
On his last day as President of the European Parliament, Pat Cox finally decided to give in to the demands from the Legal Affairs committee and the majority of political group leaders. The European Parliament has now asked the European Court of Justice to annul the recently signed EU-U.S. agreement on transfer of airline Passenger […]
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EU initiative to make DRM more acceptable
The European Commission has funded a new project to make Digital Rights Management more acceptable to consumers. INDICARE (the Informed Dialogue about Consumer Acceptability of DRM Solutions in Europe) is distributing its first e-mail newsletter this week. The newsletter includes links to articles on the INDICARE website that are conceived as the starting point for […]
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French privacy authority forbids mail-service
The French data protection authority CNIL has declared the new U.S. mail-service ‘Did they read it?’ illegal. Through this service, launched in May 2004 by Rampell Software, subscribers get a report about the exact time their e-mail was opened, for how long, on what kind of operating system and if the mail was forwarded to […]
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U.S. delaying biometric passport deadline
The U.S. House of Representatives has voted for a year-long delay of demanding visa waiver countries to introduce biometric passports for their citizens. The 2002 Border Security Act demands from 27 countries the inclusion of chips with facial images in their passports, in order to continue participation in the US visa waiver programme. A deadline […]
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WSIS Tunisia prepcom report
The first Prepcom of the WSIS second phase took place from 24 to 26 June 2004 in Hammamet, Tunisia. The Prepcom started with major obstruction of civil society participation even before civil society could make their first intervention in the governmental plenary session. On the second morning of the Prepcom, the Tunisian ambassador objected in […]
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EDRi supports TACD Resolution on Passenger Name Records
This resolution comes from the TransAtlantic Consumer Dialogue TACD, a coalition of more than 60 consumer organizations in America and Europe. It calls the EU and US governments to suspend a recent agreement disclosing passengers’ data to US government agencies until much stronger privacy safeguards are adopted. The letter will be directly submitted to EU […]
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Deadline public comments on ICANN whois policy
Under rules established by ICANN, any entity that registers a domain name has to provide contact information that can be queried through the WHOIS service – by any data user and for any legitimate purpose. Data users remain anonymous, and there is no enforcement of the few limitations imposed on using the data. This policy […]
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Report about ID conference in London
Advocates, politicians and lawyers from across the political spectrum met in London on 19 May 2004 to debate UK ID card legislation. EDRi members Privacy International and FIPR organised the meeting, which heard resounding criticism of the government’s ID card plans. Highlights included the Shadow Home Secretary asking “how on earth can ID cards prevent […]
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French E-commerce law tested in constitutional court
EDRI-member IRIS and the French Human Rights League (LDH) have sent a brief to the French Constitutional council regarding the unconstitutionality of the French transposition of the E-commerce Directive (Loi pour la confiance dans l’economie numerique or LEN). On 18 May 2004 the French socialist MPs submitted the finalised law to the Constitutional Council, following […]
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PNR data deal signed by European Commission
An international agreement was signed on 28 May between the European Union and the United States that makes it possible to transfer air passenger data to the US, under certain conditions. It entered into force immediately. This agreement goes hand-in-hand with the Decision adopted two weeks ago by the European Commission, establishing the adequacy of […]
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New German proposal for mandatory data retention
According to the German e-zine Heise there is a new proposal for mandatory data retention in Germany. Just a few weeks ago, a final compromise was reached on the new Telecommunications Act, without any obligations for systematic data retention. But the Minister of the Interior, Otto Schily, is now said to work on a law […]
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