Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
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European Ombudsman does not see sufficient transparency in TTIP
On 6 January 2015, the European Ombudsman, the EU authority dealing with maladministration in the institutions of the European Union, adopted ten recommendations for the Commission to become transparent in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations. In her decision, the Ombudsman followed recommendations made by EDRi in our response to the public consultation […]
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ENDitorial: Transparency in TTIP? Yes, but in practice, please!
The EU and the US are currently negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which is a wide-ranging agreement likely to affect digital rights and freedoms. Lack of transparency is at the core of the criticism regarding the negotiations surrounding TTIP and the conclusion of a flurry of free trade agreements. The TTIP negotiations […]
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ENDitorial: ISDS Consultation – redefining “omnishambles”
Earlier this year, the European Commission was faced with a problem. The inclusion of dangerous, anti-democratic “investor-state dispute resolution” (ISDS) in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), the planned EU/US trade agreement, was threatening to become a major political problem. There was a particular danger for the Commission that this would become an issue […]
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