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The Clearview/Ukraine partnership – How surveillance companies exploit war
Clearview announced it will offer its surveillance tech to Ukraine. It seems no human tragedy is off-limits to surveillance companies looking to sanitise their image.
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Propaganda cannot be silenced with censorship, freedom of expression can
By order of all governments in the European Union, internet providers and platforms are blocking access to Russian state media. However, European governments would do better to stimulate the independent media in both Russia and Ukraine.
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Cyberattacks on Ukraine’s infrastructure and civil society violate human rights
Alongside Russia’s eight years of armed aggression against Ukraine and its ongoing threats of large-scale invasion, cyberattacks on Ukraine’s critical infrastructure and civilian services are putting people’s human rights at risk. We call on the international community to provide the necessary support to Ukraine and its human rights defenders to ensure people are protected from cyber threats.
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Ukraine: Sanctions against Russia to result in media censorship?
On 12 August, the Ukrainian parliament (Verkhovna Rada) approved in first reading a draft law (No. 4453) to impose sanctions on Russian companies and individuals over their alleged support and financing of separatism in Ukraine. The draft law included provisions to allow the Ukrainian National Security and Defence Council (RNBO) to shut down or block […]
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Anniversary of Snowden revelations: The year we fight back
On 5 June 2013, the Guardian published Edward Snowden’s first documents. These showed that the NSA was using a secret court order to collect millions of customers’ phone calls of the US company Verizon. Snowden’s subsequent disclosures confirmed what many privacy activists were suspecting for a long time: that the US government and its allies […]
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The Ukrainian Parliament decides to reject the anti-protest bill
The Ukraine Government’s attempts to censor and restrict freedom of expression and freedom of assembly by a controversial anti-protest legislation has fortunately been stopped by the Ukrainian Parliament on 28 January 2014. In the light of the latest events in Ukraine, in a desperate attempt to curve the protests that have become larger and stronger […]
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