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European Action Day #WePromiseEU
Presse release – Today, a coalition of 36 civil rights organisations from all over Europe invites everyone to participate in a EU-wide action day to demand that the next European Parliament defends digital civil and human rights. The European Parliament is taking more and more decisions that have a direct impact on our rights and […]
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WePromise: European Day of Action – 15 May 2014
Take back the net and take back EU politics! Civil rights organisations from across Europe invite you to participate in a day of action for the WePromise.eu campaign to demand that the next European Parliament defends digital civil and human rights. The European Parliament is taking more and more decisions that have a direct impact […]
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We Promise campaign kit
The European elections will take place between 22 and 25 May – you can use this opportunity to tell candidates that they have to defend net neutrality, privacy, copyright reform, transparency and the access to culture in the next term. This campaign kit is therefore designed for everyone who wants to mobilise around the WePromise […]
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ORG and DigiGes launch campaigns for the European elections
EDRi members Open Rights Group (ORG), UK, and Digitale Gesellschaft (DigiGes), Germany, have launched their campaigns for the WePromise.eu initiative for the European elections that will be held 22-25 May 2014. During the next term, European Parliament will face many crucial decisions concerning digital policy, ranging from privacy, copyright and net neutrality to mass surveillance. […]
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Finishing my internship with EDRi
The last three months have provided a great opportunity to get first-hand experience observing digital policy in the European decision-making process. I have worked on a number of topics and assisted with the launch of the WePromise.eu campaign. By far the most memorable (and successful) thing I’ve worked on has been the Telecoms Single Market […]
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We Promise : Driving Democracy in the Digital Age
Press briefing & panel discussion in the European Parliament, 1 April at 2pm, Room PHS 0A50 In the course of the current legislature, the European Parliament took important steps towards improved civil rights and a more democratic European Union. It listened to citizens when rejecting ACTA, it passed several Resolutions supporting net neutrality, it listened […]
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WePromise.eu: Digital Rights campaign unites Europe and unites political opponents
PRESS RELEASE – Brussels, March 11th Support is flooding in from voters and from election candidates for the WePromise.eu campaign. The premise is simple – voters sign a pledge to vote in the European Parliament elections, and to vote for a candidate that has signed the charter of ten digital rights principles. Hundreds of voters […]
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The promise of democracy – digital rights groups reprogram European elections
A project launched today will give voters an innovative new way to hold the European Parliament to account.However, nothing is for free – as a trade-off citizens must make a promise of their own – to vote in May’s European Parliament elections. The Wepromise.eu project proposes a “Charter of Digital Rights“. Candidates promise to uphold […]
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