A civil society summit on tech, society, and the environment: Meet our key speakers & Explore the Action Desks
We are excited to announce that 41 civil society organisations, including EDRi, will be co-hosting the “Tech and Society Summit” this fall, in October 2024. This event aims to foster dialogue and debate between civil society and recently elected EU decision-makers, focusing on the intersection of technology, society, and the environment. Check out the draft programme for the event.
We are excited to announce that 41 civil society organisations, including EDRi, will be co-hosting the “Tech and Society Summit” this fall, 1 October 2024. This event aims to foster dialogue and debate between civil society and recently elected EU decision-makers, focusing on the intersection of technology, society, and the environment. Check out the draft programme to see what will drive the day.
What to expect?
Expect powerful insights from prominent speakers, including:
- Anna Cavazzini, MEP, Greens/European Free Alliance, European Parliament
- Alex Saliba, MEP, Socialists & Democrats, European Parliament
- Alexandra Geese, MEP, Greens/European Free Alliance, European Parliament
- Aura Salla, MEP, European People’s Party, European Parliament
- David Maenda Kithoko, President, Association Génération Lumière
- Diana Vlad-Calcic, Member of Cabinet of Commissioner Věra Jourová
- Dóra Dávid, MEP, European People’s Party, European Parliament
- Dr Seda Gürses, Associate Professor, Department of Multi-Actor Systems, TU Delft
- Frederike Kaltheuner, Senior EU and Global Governance Lead, AI Now Institute
- Irina Orssich, Head of Sector of AI Policy, DG CNECT, European Commission
- Johannes Schilling, Deputy Head of Unit, digitalisation, better regulation & economic analysis, DG ENV, European Commission
- Juliana Wahlgren, Director, European Anti-Poverty Network
- Katarzyna Szymielewicz, President and co-founder, Panoptykon Foundation
- Kim van Sparrentak, MEP, Greens/European Free Alliance, European Parliament
- Mohammed Nowkhi, Arakan Rohingya Society for Peace and Human Rights
- Paz Peña, Independent activist and researcher, Latin American Institute of Terraforming
- Rebecca MacKinnon, Vice President at Wikimedia & leading internet freedom advocate
- Rita Wezenbeek, Director of Platforms, DG CNECT, European Commission
- Saskia Bricmont, MEP, Greens/European Free Alliance, European Parliament
- Svenja Hahn, MEP, Renew, European Parliament
- Wojciech Wiewiórowski, The European Data Protection Supervisor
In addition to attending panels and round-tables, you can also explore our exciting Action Desks, where hands-on activities and expert advice await! Action Desks are interactive spaces where participants can engage directly with experts on critical issues, get personalised support, and take tangible steps towards addressing pressing challenges.
Explore the Action Desks
Toxify Big Tech Lobbying
Big Tech is spending an astounding €113 million annually lobbying EU institutions! Want to expose their tactics and learn how to push back? Visit the Corporate Europe Observatory & LobbyControl Action Desk for a deep dive into how you can help curb Big Tech’s influence.
Antispyware Clinic
Concerned about spyware like Pegasus? Bring your mobile to the Antispyware Clinic for a quick check by experts from Access Now’s Digital Security Helpline. You’ll stay in full control of your device during the checks, and if anything suspicious is found, we’ll guide you with secure follow-up support.
Repair Action Desk
Explore the world of repair at the Right to Repair Action Desk. Bring your small broken gadgets, get them fixed by our repair volunteers, and learn how extending product lifespans helps reduce e-waste and fight early obsolescence. Join the repair conversation!
Here is what we want to achieve:
Through this event, EDRi and our partners aim to bring civil society’s voices to the forefront of EU’s digital policy debates. Together we are building this space to create a bridge between digital rights organisations and new policymakers to achieve accountable, people-focused policies that advance everyone’s digital rights.
The event is invite-only. Subscribe to EDRi’s newsletters and stay in the loop.