Open Future Salon #2. Launch of Paradox of Open: Responses
The essays tackle the paradox from multiple perspectives, looking at such issues as risks of underestimating openness, public memory, creative communities, social justice in the context of open, web3, and the legacy – and continuation – of the copyright wars.
The guest speakers will be Prof. James Boyle from Duke University, a leading scholar working on issues related to the Public Domain, and Anna Mazgal, Senior Policy Advisor at Wikimedia Europe and an advocate for openness and digital rights.
The Paradox of Open is at the heart of Open future work, and over the last year, it have been holding conversations on what the paradox means and how to address it. Open future also asked leaders and experts from the broad open movement to respond to the essay.
The online anthology will include responses from Anna Mazgal, Balász Bodó, Carolina Botero, Derek Slater, James Boyle, Jeni Tenisson, Leonhard Dobosch and Zuzanna Warso.

Image by: Jakub Koźniewski
The essays tackle the paradox from multiple perspectives, looking at such issues as risks of underestimating openness, public memory, creative communities, social justice in the context of open, web3, and the legacy – and continuation – of the copyright wars.
The publication will be launched with an online salon on 30 November at 17:00 CET/16:00 UTC.