The Green/Digital/Society Conference
If you are an environmental or digital rights activist, researcher, policymaker, community member or just a concerned human being from the SEE region or Europe, join the discussion on the current challenges and potential advocacy plans for the future on matters at the intersection of green politics, human rights and technology
The Green/Digital/Society is a conference that gathers key actors who discuss the ecology, technology, human rights and policy in Europe.
Climate crisis and the rise of information technology are deeply entangled, though there’s very little public discussion of this relationship. Big tech is in denial, it’s too serious for mainstream media, and governments are either unaware, or corrupt by it.
While technology is often promoted as the solution to environmental issues, evidence shows that its breakneck growth, mass production of devices and infrastructure, heavy data gathering and surveillance capitalism harshly extract resources from the Earth, creating human conflict over land, water, energy and information.
If you are an environmental or digital rights activist, researcher, policymaker, community member or just a concerned human being from the SEE region or Europe, join the discussion the current challenges and potential advocacy plans for the future on matters at the intersection of green politics, human rights and technology.
- Programme & more information about the event: here
- Questions: