EDRi Annual Report 2023: Our collective impact defending digital rights in Europe

In our Annual Report, you can read more about EDRi’s efforts to build an inclusive and equitable digital environment that allows us all to thrive. In 2023, we resisted attempts to normalise corporate and state surveillance, mobilised thousands of supporters, and had an unmistakable impact on European tech policy.

By EDRi · June 26, 2024

Like all recent years in memory, 2023 brought along many challenges – from draconian state surveillance practices to the market dominance of tech corporations, and deepening of global conflicts and the climate crisis. In this context, the role of the EDRi network as not just a European digital rights watchdog, but a collective that stands for justice, equity and sustainability is more important than ever.

We faced the challenges head on and have much to celebrate! You can find out more by exploring our Annual Report.

Chief among the many highlights of 2023 was the celebration of EDRi’s 20th anniversary. For two decades, we have served as the backbone of Europe’s digital rights movement. On this landmark occasion, we reflected on the pivotal role of the EDRi network in shaping human-rights centred digital policies across Europe, and renewed our commitment to our mission.

In 2023, we’re also proud about being central to so many inspiring and resilient coalitions and movements, with over 400 groups and organisations. Through these collectives, we were able to advocate for people’s rights on issues like artificial intelligence and migration, health data, media
freedom, biometric mass surveillance, as well as confidentiality of communications.

Through our Stop Scanning Me and Reclaim Your Face campaigns, EDRi also brought the voices of activists and people to decision makers.

As a part of the Stop Scanning Me campaign, we facilitated direct democracy by bringing 23 volunteers from 13 European countries to meet with Members of European Parliament (MEPs) in Brussels. They were able to directly communicate with lawmakers about how undermining encryption affects all of our lives.

With the Reclaim Your Face campaign, we took the voices of over 250,000 supporters to the EU lawmakers to demand a ban on biometric mass surveillance and an AI Act that puts people before profits. Because of our advocacy, the final European Parliament position on the AI Act upheld all of the fundamental rights demands of civil society.

In 2024, we want to continue our efforts towards building digital futures that center people, democracy, and the planet. It’s already turning out to be a watershed year for Europe, with the European elections just over and new decision-makers set to take office soon. The rise of far-right across the bloc will pose many obstacles in us realising our collective vision for inclusive digital futures, but together we’re resilient and determined to thrive.

Help us build people-centered and democratic digital futures in 2024 – and beyond!

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