EDRi values all contributions received in line with its guidelines on ethical funding and relies on foundations grants, individual and corporate donations and membership fees to develop and fulfill its mission.
Foundations and funds
EDRi is very grateful for the support received from the following foundations in 2024
Adessium Foundation Allianz Foundation Civitates - A philanthropic initiative for democracy and solidarity in Europe Ford Foundation Limelight Foundation Luminate MacArthur Foundation Mozilla Foundation Network of European Foundations Omidyar Network Omidyar Group – AI Collaborative Open Society Foundations Stiftung Mercator The Democracy and Media Foundation (Stichting Democratie en Media) The European AI & Society FundCorporate donors
According to EDRi fundraising policy, a maximum of 30% of EDRi’s yearly budget can be funded from corporate donations. A single corporate donation cannot exceed 7.5% of its total income of the previous year. Receiving funding from corporations or donors from the private sector does not imply endorsement of a donor’s policies and record. In 2025 our main corporate donors include:
Duck Duck Go MozillaNon-corporate donors
European Data Protection SupervisorIndividual donations
We are grateful for all donations from people who support our work and the EDRi network
More ways to supportMembership fees are received from the members of EDRi network
Secure and diverse funding enables EDRi to maintain its independence, protect its reputation and to operate effectively. New grants and project funding should be compatible with EDRi’s values, strategy and priorities, according to the EDRi multi-annual strategy 2020-2024.
EDRi is a registered ‘AISBL’ in Brussels and complies with Belgian legislation. We work to continuously improve our financial management systems. We want to maintain an organic and sustainable growth according to growth plans agreed by members in response to the complexity of the challenges faced.
Please find our fundraising policy here and get in touch if you’d like to financially contribute to our work.