
EDRi is governed by a Board vested with powers of management and administration by the members’ General Assembly.

Board members are elected by the General Assembly. They can be employees of member organisations or other experienced and suitably skilled people put forward and supported by member organisations. In all cases when they are elected to the Board they act as individuals, not as representative of their organisation or any other interests. Board members serve for a maximum of two terms of three years each. You can write to them at board [at] edri [dot] org.

It is of vital importance for EDRi to effectively identify, disclose and manage any actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest to protect EDRi’s integrity and manage risk. EDRi’s Conflict of Interest policy therefore applies to staff and Board. It covers management with respect to Board deliberations, in a universally established manner: if a Board member has a conflict of interest with regards to a “transaction” being considered, she or he recuses her/himself from the discussions, unless asked by the Board to join for information purposes; and doesn’t have a vote in the decision.

Read EDRi’s statutes here.

A bio photo of Anrej, a board member

Andrej Petrovski


Andrej is the Director of Tech at SHARE Foundation, an EDRi member organisation based in Belgrade, Serbia. He holds an MSc in Cyber Forensics and a BSc in Software Engineering. Previously, Andrej worked as a Tech researcher and Cyber forensic expert at SHARE Foundation, where he conducted research on digital security and analysed the digital landscape in Serbia. His work aimed to enhance the security and resilience of online media, journalists, and Human Rights Defenders, as well as provide responce to cyber attacks. He has actively campaigned against the use of Biometric Surveillance in public spaces and is interested in the intersection of digital rights and environmental issues.

Alyna Smith

Alyna Smith

Alyna is Deputy Director at PICUM, the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants. She is also the focal point on data protection and digital rights, leading PICUM’s engagement with a diverse array of partners, and the development of their analysis and work in this area. Alyna has a background in the life sciences, philosophy and law and has extensive experience working in multi-disciplinary settings, and with partners across national, regional, and global contexts.

isabela fernandes - a board member

Isabela Fernandes

Isabela is the Executive Director of the Tor Project since November 2018. She joined the Tor Project as Project Manager in 2015, after working as Product Manager for International and Growth at Twitter for four years. Isabela has been part of the free software community since the late 90s, and in 2007 she co-founded and worked as Latin America Project Manager for North by South, a startup from San Francisco focused on free software projects. Isabela was also part of Brazil’s Federal Government Free Software initiative, working in 2005 on the Ministry of Communications digital inclusion project and participating in 2006 on a project to migrate the IT of the Presidential Palace of Brazil to free software.

Karolina Iwanska

Karolina Iwanska

Karolina is a lawyer and public policy specialist working as the Digital Rights Advisor at the European Center for Not-for-Profit Law, EDRi member working to protect and promote civic freedoms and civil society, based in the Hague in the Netherlands. Karolina leads ECNL’s engagement in EU digital policy processes and is also involved in research and advocacy related to the global governance of new technologies. Previously, Karolina worked at Panoptykon Foundation, EDRi member in Warsaw, where she was responsible, among others, for advocacy on the Digital Services Act, AI Act and GDPR implementation and enforcement on online platforms. In 2019/20 Karolina was a Mozilla EU Tech Policy Fellow, researching and developing policy recommendations for alternatives to surveillance advertising. Karolina holds a master’s degree in law from Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland, and she currently lives in The Netherlands.

Paige Collings

Paige Collings

Paige Collings is the Senior Speech and Privacy Activist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). As a lawyer, digital policy activist and community organiser, she works to dismantle systems of oppression and advance collective liberation. Paige focusses on highlighting how state surveillance and corporate restrictions stifle marginalised communities and perpetuate historic injustices and harm. She has worked with activists across the globe to facilitate systemic change by speaking truth to power and creating spaces for alternative imaginations for justice for all.