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Sweden: Yet more surveillance or real evidence-based decision-making?
In Sweden the government is rapidly advancing an agenda for more online surveillance. Two public investigations have been launched to look into new rules for search warrants and the introduction of new secret means of surveillance, namely remote equipment and software interference.
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Make-or-break summer for EU Net Neutrality – First stop: Vienna
Vienna, city of diplomacy and birthplace of countless international deals, will soon host crucial negotiations on the future of the open internet. On 3 June, EU Telecom regulators will gather in Vienna to discuss the implementation of new EU Net Neutrality laws. Following mass mobilisation in India and the USA, the expectations to deliver real […]
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Czech Republic: Non-transparent processing of sensitive health data
In the past weeks, both the Czech Parliament and the Senate gave their consent to the expansion of the National Health Information System. The system itself is comprised of registers which contain the health data of individuals, directly linked to their personal birth number. Aside from existing registers which typically have a specialised focus – […]
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EDRi and Access Now withdraw from the EU Commission IT Forum discussions
Today, on 31 May, European Digital Rights (EDRi) and Access Now delivered a joint statement on the EU Commission’s “EU Internet Forum”, announcing our decision not to take part in future discussions and confirming that we do not have confidence in the ill considered “code of conduct” that was agreed. Launched at the end of […]
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EU Commission under investigation for EU Internet Forum documents
In the past year, EDRi made numerous formal requests to get more information about the EU Internet Forum. This Forum was set up by the EU Commission to persuade companies to do “more” to fight terrorism. After months of obstruction from the European Commission, EDRi made a maladministration complaint to the European Ombudsman. As a […]
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EDRi launches working group to improve digital rights advocacy across Europe
Over the past decade, we’ve seen a lot of great work and successes by digital rights organisations across Europe. We have used our expertise, creativity and network to make up for being low on resources and few in number. However, threats to human rights in the digital environment are persistent and growing. That’s why a […]
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European Parliament confirms that “Privacy Shield” is inadequate
The European Parliament has adopted a Resolution on the “Privacy Shield”. This is the new agreement to permit data to be transferred from the EU to the USA. The previous agreement – “Safe Harbour” – was overturned by the European Court of Justice in October 2015. The Parliament’s resolution confirms that the new agreement has […]
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European fundamental rights to be regulated by companies
Today, on 25 May, the European Commission published two new proposals of their Digital Single Market strategy: its update of the Directive on audiovisual media services (ADVMS) and a Communication on online platforms, together with the evidence document for the platforms Communication. The Communication on Platforms worries us the most. For instance, the proposals with […]
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EU Council & Commission plan to give law enforcement authorities access to data of foreign IT companies
EU Commissioner Věra Jourová revealed plans to increase the competences of criminal law enforcement authorities in a speech at the European Criminal Law Academic Network. She announced that the Council of the European Union is currently drafting Conclusions. This draft document calls for law enforcement agencies to have direct cross-border access to personal data held […]
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Copyfails: Time to #fixcopyright!
We believe that new technologies bring new ways to access culture – they are not a threat for creators. We believe that the legitimacy crisis of the current EU copyright regime is created by the system itself. We believe there’s a need for a modernised copyright regime which takes into consideration the needs of all parts […]
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Copyfail #1: Chaotic system of freedoms to use copyrighted works in the EU
This article is the first one in the series presenting Copyfails. The EU is reforming its copyright rules. We want to introduce to you the main failures of the current copyright system, with suggestions on how to fix them. You can find the nine key failures here. COPYFAIL #1 How has it failed? The current […]
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Danish ticketing system a threat to privacy
Like many countries, Denmark is replacing paper tickets for public transportation with electronic tickets. The Danish system, called Rejsekort (“travel card”), is a contactless chip card similar to the Oyster card in the United Kingdom and the OV-chipkaart in the Netherlands. At the start of the journey, the passenger holds the card in front of […]
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