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“Take it personal, and don´t”: changing the decolonising process and letting ourselves be changed
This blog reviews the decolonising process so far and what we've been upto since our last communication, shared in December last year. It adds detail to how we are organising, shifting, and re-orienting the iterative and complex needs of a decolonising process.
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EDRi-gram, 28 September 2022
We celebrate the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union that the general storage of data undermines people's right to privacy and data protection. We're also exploring how a community-focused project enables young people to defend their online privacy.
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New Data Retention ruling is a victory for civil society
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has announced a historic judgement today: the current telecommunications data retention in Germany violates the fundamental rights of people in the European Union. The underlying data retention law is therefore null and void.
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Securing privacy: Privacy International on end-to-end encryption
EDRi member Privacy International's (PI) report on end-to-end encryption (E2EE) analyses and defends expanding the use of E2EE to protect our communications. It defines E2EE, delves into its human rights implications, briefly addresses some prominent proposals for government access to E2EE content, and concludes with PI’s recommendations regarding E2EE.
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United Nations report voices digital rights groups’ concerns over encryption in EU’s new rules
On 16 November 2022, the United Nations Human Rights Office published a report on the right to privacy in the digital age warning against the European Union’s plans to undermine encryption and the threat of mass surveillance in the proposed chat control legislation.
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Foreign authorities are banning Google and Microsoft services from schools, the Czech Republic is floundering
Jan Cibulka, a journalist for iROZHLAS and member of the Big Brother Awards CZ Jury, organised by EDRi member Iuridicum Remedium, has investigated how Czech authorities and schools are approaching the protection of privacy when using distance learning tools. Such tools send sensitive information overseas, where US law gives intelligence agencies access to it. The tools do not guarantee that children's private chats will not be accessed by, for example, teachers. While the first regional governments in Europe are developing safer alternatives, in the Czech Republic the risk assessment remains up to individual schools. In practice, they have little choice.
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Rather delete than comply: how Europol snubbed data subject rights
On 8 September 2022, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) issued a decision ordering the EU law enforcement agency, Europol, to give Dutch activist Frank van der Linde access to the personal data the agency holds on him following a two-year investigation by the data protection watchdog. Findings of the inspection reveal that Europol tried to cover up the traces of the data processing and to avoid complying with the data access request by deleting van der Linde’s data.
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Privacy Defenders: Enabling young people to defend their online privacy
EDRi member Electronic Frontier Norway (EFN) in cooperation with Croatian NGOs NUM and Politiscope will soon finish the implementation of the project Privacy Defenders, supported by the Active Citizen Fund (EEA and Norway). The project aims to build the capacities of young people from a small local community to advocate for and defend their online privacy.
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Identity Crisis
Identity systems create and facilitate exclusion, insecurity, and surveillance.
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Does Google accuse you of child abuse? Impossible! Right?
The legislator in Europe is working on a proposal that could force companies to scan all messages we exchange for child sexual abuse material. The goal is noble but it can very easily go wrong. And if things go wrong, you might suddenly be accused of sexually abusing children.
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Football fans are being targeted by biometric mass surveillance
Apart from its undemocratic nature, there are many reasons why biometric mass surveillance is problematic for human rights and footabll fans’ rights.
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Travel surveillance: member states seek to circumvent court judgment on PNR
In June this year the the Court of Justice ruled that the rules governing the EU's system for travel surveillance and passenger profiling, set out in the Passenger Name Record (PNR) Directive, must be "interpreted restrictively" to conform with fundamental rights standards. The ruling requires substantial changes to member state practices - but the Council, in time-honoured fashion, is looking at how to circumvent it, and to ensure the greatest possible freedom of manouevre for law enforcement authorities.
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