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Short Film “Reclaim Your Face”: the harms of Biometric Mass Surveillance to society
‘Biometric Mass Surveillance pose a danger to society’ is the main message of Alexander Lehmann's latest short film. And there is no better place to premier this movie than at the last Chaos Computer Club's end of the year event rC3. The film "Reclaim Your Face" highlights the issues surrounding biometric mass surveillance and underlines the harms that its’ systems pose to our society.
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Hide and Seek: Polish DPA agrees that people should be able to access their advertising profiles, but there’s no way to do so
Following EDRi member Panoptykon’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) complaint against one of the biggest Polish news website, - the Polish Data Protection Authority has confirmed that online publishers should give users access to their advertising profiles generated for the purposes of delivering behavioural ads.
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The EU’s own ‘Snowden Scandal’: Europol’s Data Mining
On 3 January 2022, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), which supervises the processing of personal data by the EU’s law enforcement agency, Europol, ordered Europol to delete data held in its databases on individuals with no established link to criminal activity.
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Cross-border access to user data by law enforcement in 2021: A year in review
Law enforcement agencies around the world are getting their holiday wish list, thanks to the Council of Europe’s adoption of a flawed new protocol to the Budapest Convention, a treaty governing procedures for accessing digital evidence across borders in criminal investigations.
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Don’t let Big Tech fool you: Small businesses don’t want surveillance advertising
Tracking-based advertising has become all pervasive in the digital world. Amnesty Tech's new research shows that small businesses know very well how harmful these practices are to human rights but have little alternative.
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Austrian DSB: EU-US data transfers to Google Analytics illegal
In a groundbreaking decision, the Austrian Data Protection Authority ("Datenschutzbehörde" or "DSB") has decided on a model case by noyb that the continuous use of Google Analytics violates the GDPR.
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Online surveillance thrives when fear takes over
European law-enforcement agencies have been pushing to end encryption and survey everyone’s online communications.
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EDPS sanctions the European Parliament for illegal EU-US data transfers – among other violations
In January 2021, noyb filed a complaint against the European Parliament on behalf of six Members of the European Parliament over an internal corona testing website. The issues raised were deceptive cookie banners, vague and unclear data protection notices, and the illegal transfer of data to the US.
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Managed by Bots: surveillance of gig-economy workers
WIE’s recent ‘Managed by Bots’ report demonstrates that opaque algorithms dictate almost every aspect of gig economy employees’ work, offering them limited visibility or avenues for redress when a decision is made about them.
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E-evidence regulation: Why it matters for medical confidentiality?
Access to health data by foreign authorities in the context of a criminal investigation – be it intentional or not – needs to be carefully regulated as it also impacts doctors’ legal and ethical duties.
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Nearly 130 public interest organisations and experts urge the United Nations to include human rights safeguards in proposed UN Cybercrime Treaty
Today, EDRi, our member Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), and Human Rights Watch, along with nearly 130 organizations and academics working in 56 countries, regions, or globally, urged members of the Ad Hoc Committee responsible for drafting a potential United Nations Cybercrime Treaty to ensure human rights protections are embedded in the final product. The first session of the Ad Hoc Committee will begin on January 17th.
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2022: Important consultations for your Digital Rights!
Public consultations are an opportunity to influence future legislation at an early stage, in the European Union and beyond. They are your opportunity to help shaping a brighter future for digital rights, such as your right to a private life, data protection, or your freedom of opinion and expression.
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