Open letters
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Open letter: Hundreds of scientists warn against EU’s proposed CSA Regulation
Over 300 security researchers & academics warn against the measures in the EU's proposed Child Sexual Abuse Regulation (CSAR), citing harmful side-effects of large-scale scanning of online communications which would have a chilling effect on society and negatively affect democracies. The letter remains open for signatures.
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Open letter: EU Lawmakers must uphold human rights to privacy and free expression in the Political Ads Regulation
EDRi and 26 civil society organisations, voice our deep concern regarding the worrying developments related to the Regulation on the Targeting and Transparency of Political Advertising.
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Open letter: Improvements to the enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation
EDRi has signed an open letter organised by consumer and civil society organisations to welcome the intention of the European Commission to improve the enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation. We call on the Commission to ensure that the draft Regulation improves the efficiency of enforcement and ensures data subjects can exercise their rights in a fair, effective, and affordable manner.
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Open letter: The Council of European Union must protect journalists against spyware and surveillance in the European Media Freedom Act
Civil society and journalist associations are calling on the Council of the European Union to reconsider its current position on the European Media Freedom Act, as stated in a recent compromise text. Instead, the Council must take steps to meaningfully protect journalists and their fundamental rights.
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Open Letter: Make vulnerability disclosure in the Cyber Resilience Act more secure, not less
The CRA would require organisations to disclose software vulnerabilities to government agencies within 24 hours of exploitation. However, such recently exploited vulnerabilities are unlikely to be mitigated within such a short time, leading to real-time databases of software with unmitigated vulnerabilities in the possession of potentially dozens of government agencies. Read the open letter.
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The Belgian government is failing to consider human rights in CSA Regulation
Despite the clear warnings, Belgium has taken a position calling on the EU to adopt the CSA regulation as quickly as possible, dismissing the technical problems, and without addressing the serious legal concerns that have been raised.
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Open letter: e-Evidence package lacks appropriate safeguards, EU Parliament must reject it
Civil society, doctors, lawyers and journalists associations and internet service providers are calling on MEPs to reject the so-called “e-Evidence” package during the plenary vote on June 13 because the proposed system of cross-border access to data in criminal matters would severely undermine fundamental rights.
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Open letter: Gender-inclusive and safe digital world that is free from violence for all
EDRi and 45 organisations call on the European Parliament to better protect those who face digitally facilitated gender-based violence.
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Health and digital rights organisations urge EU lawmakers to uphold patients’ rights in new health data law
European lawmakers must ensure patients have control over their private medical records by adding an ‘opt-in’ consent requirement for the secondary use of health data under the proposed European Health Data Space (EHDS).
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Open Letter: The AI video surveillance measures in the Olympics Games 2024 law violate human rights
In an open letter, EDRi, ECNL, La Quadrature du Net, Amnesty International France and 34 civil society organisations call on the French Parliament to reject Article 7 of the proposed law on the 2024 Olympics and Paralympic Games.
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Civil society calls for the EU AI act to better protect people on the move
In this open letter, 195 organisations and individuals call on the EU to protect people on the move. As the European Parliament amends the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), preventing AI harms in the field of AI and migration is vital. AI systems are increasingly developed, tested and deployed to judge and control migrants and people on the move in harmful ways.
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Civil society groups urge EU Parliament to use all its powers to ensure Digital Markets Act enforcement has necessary resources
On June 28, EDRi and 16 civil society organisations urged the European Parliament to focus its attention on the Digital Markets Act (DMA) enforcement.
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