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EDRi demands an open, safe and accountable internet – will you join us?

Today, 19th August 2020, European Digital Rights (EDRi) submitted its response to the European Commission’s public consultation on the Digital Services Act package. In addition, EDRi releases its official DSA Consultation Answering Guide designed to help other civil society organisations, collectives and citizens with an interest in upholding human rights to submit their own response to the European Commission.

By EDRi · September 9, 2020

In the past decade or two, the open internet has been colonised by centralised platform monopolies. Additionally, these monopolies use broken business models that profile people and sell their data to the highest bidder. The Digital Services Act is an opportunity for the European Union to decide how the internet will look in the next twenty years.

Rather than trying to replicate the toxic business model of today’s Googles and Facebooks, Europe should strive for an open, safe and accountable internet. Users deserve real choice and the power to decide for themselves where their online lives take place and what happens to their personal data. Read EDRi’s paper “Platform Regulation Done Right” to learn how we can get there.

Therefore, EDRi calls on the European Commission to propose measures that break open the centralised platform economy, introduce strong transparency requirements, and guarantee effective regulatory oversight. The Digital Services Act provides the chance to leave the technological dead-end of monopolistic, centralised mega platforms behind and help strengthen a digital economy that respects human rights.

Will you make your voice heard in this crucial moment for the future of the public online sphere? Submit your own response to the DSA consultation online and check out our Answering Guide on recommendations that could inspire your own responses.

Read more:

EDRi Consultation response: European Commission consultation on the Digital Services Act package (19.08.2020)

EDRi Answering Guide to the European Commission consultation on the Digital Services Act package (19.08.2020)

EDRi position paper “Platform Regulation Done Right” on how to draft an human-centric Digital Services Act (09.04.2020)

Digital Services Act: Document pool (constantly updated)

((Contribution by Diego Naranjo, Head of Policy at EDRi)