EDRi’s Press Review 2018
During the past year, our work to defend citizens’ rights and freedoms online has gained an impressive visibility – we counted more than three hundred mentions! – in European and international media. Below, you can find our press review 2018.

01/01 EU i linedans mellem desinformation og censur (Mandag Morgen)
10/01 Does Software Piracy Hurt Sales? The $431,000 Buried EU Study Says ‘No’ (PC Steps)
16/01 O francês Macron poderá vencer a guerra contra as fake news? (Veja)
19/01 El RGDP: nueva normativa europea a partir de 2018 (1&1Digital Guide )
20/01 GDPR: Harmonization or Fragmentation? Applicable Law Problems in EU Data Protection Law (Berkley Technology Law Journal)
22/01 Šmírování zuby nehty (České noviny)
22/01 Kampf gegen Hate SpeechDie EU setzt weiterhin auf Freiwilligkeit (Deutschlandfunk)
23/01 Youtube scannt “hunderte Jahre” Videomaterial am Tag (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
31/01 Net neutrality in Europe: will the US case change the way our telecom suppliers provide internet services? (EU Logos)
03/02 Neutralité du net : “Certains voudraient faire d’internet un nouveau minitel” (Sciences et Avenir)
09/02 Commission lobbies for police access to website owners list (Euractiv)
12/02 Logan Paul: Following the YouTube controversy, should social media have the same regulations as journalism? (Independent)
13/02 EU-Kommission will Plattformen die Löschung von illegalen Inhalten ohne Netz und doppeltem Boden empfehlen (Netzpolitik.org)
13/02 Tutto quello che Tinder sa di te. Da leggere prima di San Valentino (Cyber Security)
13/02 Bruxelles passe à la vitesse supérieure contre les contenus illégaux en ligne (document) (Contexte)
14/02 Auf Facebook kommt in Europa eine Lawine an Verfahren zu (Radio fm4)
14/02 Germany: Flawed Social Media Law (No Comment Diary)
14/02 EU adds pressure on online platforms with plan for fast removal of terrorist content (EURACTIV)
14/02 L’UE durcit le ton sur les contenus à caractère terroriste en ligne (EURACTIV.fr)
14/02 Germany: Flawed Social Media Law (World Justice News)
14/02 Dating online, Garante Ue Buttarelli ‘L’uso dei nostri dati non è chiaro’ (Privacy Italia)
15/02 Netizen Report: In Leaked Docs, European Commission Says Internet Companies Should Self-Regulate on Harmful Speech (Slate)
15/02 Commission suggestions for speeding up removal of illegal online content in keeping with the voluntary approach (Agence Europe)
15/02 Europa will mehr löschen lassen (Spiegel)
15/02 EU-Kommission: Nutzer können gegen Facebook & Co in ihrem Herkunftsland klagen (HeiseOnline)
15/02 Leak: Online-Plattformen sollen illegale Inhalte innerhalb einer Stunde löschen (EurActive)
16/02 Tweets of the Week: Dutch minister resigns, Boris Johnson’s credibility, and Bad Valentines (EURACTIV)
16/02 De la neutralité du net à celle des terminaux (Le Monde)
18/02 «Echaríamos a todo gobierno que nos pidiera los datos que le damos a Facebook» (El Correo)
18/02 Terror als Vorwand der EU-Kommission für Copyrightfilter (Radio fm4)
17/02 Netzpolitischer Wochenrückblick KW7: Daten minimieren mal anders (Netzpolitik)
19/02 Keine Entschädigungsregelung für Atomausstieg / BVerwG prüft Fahrverbote / Deniz Yücel frei (Legal Tribune Online)
20/15 Rapport Netizen: Selon un document fuité de la Commission européenne, les entreprises de technologie devraient s’auto-réguler sur les discours offensants (Global Voices)
22/02 Une messagerie sécurisée, privée et chiffrée ? Voici Mailfence ! (GeekHebdo)
23/02 Explained: what the EU’s major new data protection rules mean for you (EuroNews)
23/02 The Rise of the Namibian Surveillance State: Part 2 (The Namibian)
01/03 EU Commission’s Recommendation: Let’s put internet giants in charge of censoring Europe (EUbusiness.com)
01/03 EU gives Facebook and Google three months to tackle extremist content (The Guardian)
01/03 EU piles pressure on internet giants to remove extremist content (The Jerusalem Post)
02/03 /EU Tells Internet Firms to Delete Terrorist Content Within One Hour (PCMag)
07/03 General Data Protection Regulation: new laws from 2018 (1&1 Digital Guide)
08/03 Es duro ver a España en la misma lista que Turquía al hablar de respeto los derechos digitales y la privacidad (Publication)
08/03 Council of Europe takes world-leading step towards protecting online rights (EUbusiness.com)
08/03 EU ‘Recommends’ 1 Hour Takedown on Terrorist Content (Find VPN)
09/03 #failoftheweek: Es lebe das Flugtaxi / Die neuesten Tricks der Tracker / Dillon zu Gast im Studio / Interview mit den Young Fathers / Auf ARD-Alpha startet “Respekt” (1:05:30) (Radio Bayern 2)
15/03 EU Pushes More Censorship… To “Protect” You (Zero Hedge)
13/03 ‘Insidious’ and ‘Dangerous’: Digital Privacy Groups Issue Urgent Warning Over CLOUD Act (Common Dreams)
20/30 CLOUD Act Could Repeal Fourth Amendment Rights by March 23 (Trillions)
22/03 Interview: The ethics of big data, Facebook & Cambridge Analytica (WikiTribune)
23/03 Facebook under scrutiny in the the U.S. and the UK over Cambridge Analytica scandal, users in Iran blocked from Apple’s App Store, U.S. Congress urged to consider “implications” of CLOUD Act (Ranking Digital Rights)
26/03 Rushed US Cloud Act triggers EU backlash (EU Observer)
28/03 CLOUD Act puts Fourth Amendment at Risk (Liberty Nation)
30/03 Upload Filter: Das Ende des freien Internets? (Undogmatisch.net)
31/03 Europe is dealing with Facebook in a way the U.S. hasn’t (NY Daily News)
02/04 GOOGLE E FACEBOOK: espionagem no tempo de internet – Por Estevam Dedalus (Polêmica Paraíba)
02/04 Google och Facebook lägger miljoner på att påverka EU-politikerna (Expressen)
03/04 Contra el filtrado de contenido en Internet y el impuesto a la cita: paremos la #CensorshipMachine (Publico)
03/04 Retro: Ústavní soud zrušil protiústavní šmírovací zákon (Almanach)
04/04 Around 100 organisations urge Council of Europe to show greater transparency in negotiations on cybercrime (Agance Europe)
04/04 “Not Transparent”: NGOs Hit Out at Cybercrime Convention Talks (Computer Business Review)
05/04 Cos’è la General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), la nuova legge UE per la privacy (EuroNews)
06/04 Forze dell’ordine e Ministeri italiani in balia dell’antivirus… di Mosca (EuroNews)
07/04 Russia e Cina monopolizzano la sicurezza informatica europea (Gli Occhi Della Guerra)
09/04 EU: Více cenzury pro vaše „dobro“ (Tadesco)
09/04 Websites Worry EU May Seek Heavy Copyright Monitoring (Big Law Business)
10/04 Gafa : «Les géants du Net ont compris qu’il faut composer avec l’UE» (La Croix)
11/04 Contra el filtrado de contenido en internet (Avanguardia)
12/04 L’activisme digital alça la veu contra la directiva europea que vol protegir els drets d’autoria a Internet (Directa)
12/04 Internet Censorship – Guess What’s Coming Next? (True Publica)
16/04 EU to give judges power to seize terror suspect emails and texts (Financial Times)
17/04 Proposal Gives EU Judges Power To Demand Data Across Borders (Silicon UK)
17/04 Brussel wil bedrijven buiten EU dwingen data te overhandigen (NU.nl)
17/04 Η Κομισιόν θα αναγκάσει τους τεχνολογικούς κολοσσούς να παραδίδουν άμεσα τα ηλεκτρονικά μηνύματα υπόπτων τρομοκρατίας (Lifo)
17/04 Europa dwingt techbedrijven data van terreurverdachten vrij te geven (Demorgen)
17/04 Europa dwingt techbedrijven data van terreurverdachten vrij te geven (HLN)
17/04 EU to force tech firms to hand over terror suspects’ messages (The Guardian)
17/04 Tech companies to be forced to give police overseas data under EU proposal (Reuters)
17/04 EU proposes ‘revolutionary’ fast-track system for police data access (EURActive)
17/04 The EU may order tech firms to hand over terror suspects’ data inside 6 hours (Technology review)
17/04 Europese Commissie wil dat techbedrijven data sneller gaan overhandigen (Dutch IT Channel)
17/04 EU “e-evidence” proposals turn service providers into judicial authorities (EU Business)
17/04 Kritik mot EU-förslag om utlämning av data (Ny Teknik)
17/04 Kritik mot EU-förslag om utlämning av data (Sydvenskan)
17/04 EU kräver snabbare hjälp från Facebook och Apple (BreakIt)
17/04 EU vil tvinge techgiganter til at udlevere data hurtigt (Berlingske Business)
17/04 Perusahaan Teknologi Wajib Serahkan Data Pengguna ke Otoritas UE (Kabar24)
18/04 EU proposal to force tech firms to give overseas data to police (EJ Insight)
18/04 Title (Publication)
18/04 EU plans to increase access to electronic evidance in court cases (EU Policies)
18/04 Tech titans could be forced to give police overseas data under new proposal (ARN)
18/04 L’UE s’achemine vers l’obligation de partage de données avec la police (EurActive)
18/04 EU: Mere censur for at “beskytte” (Dokument)
18/04 EU wil bedrijven buiten Europa gaan dwingen data te overhandigen (Numrush)
18/04 Unia chce dać policji łatwiejszy dostęp do naszych danych online (Onet Wiadomości)
18/04 Proposals on electronic evidence perceived as hasty response to US CLOUD Act (Agance Europe)
19/04 Szykują się pierwsze skargi na podstawie RODO (Gazeta Prawna)
23/04 Tarifários zero rating em Portugal criticados por organizações internacionais (SapoTek)
23/04 “Portugal tem as piores violações da neutralidade da internet” (Pais ao Minuto)
23/04 Associações europeias pedem à Anacom medidas para “internet livre e aberta” (Expresso)
23/04 Associações europeias pedem à Anacom medidas para “Internet livre e aberta” (Diario de Noticias)
Associações europeias pedem à Anacom medidas para “Internet livre e aberta” (Dinheiro Vivo)
23/04 Organizações de diversos países pedem à ANACOM que defenda a neutralidade da Internet (Ardina)
23/04 Perusahaan Teknologi Harus Serahkan Data Luar Negeri di bawah Proposal U (Saru Harapan)
24/04 Portuguese NGOs urge Anacom to block zero-rating offers (Telecom Paper)
24/04 Organizações internacionais pedem à ANACOM o fim do zero-rating (Aberto até de Madrugada)
24/04 Facebook is about to get hit with regulation, just not from the U.S. (The Informer)
25/04 Männer in der digitalen Welt (Volksblat)
25/04 Net neutrality death delayed (Capacity Media)
26/04 Tech Companies to Be Forced to Give Police Overseas Data under EU Proposal (OMG News)
26/04 Over 145 organisations representing a broad spectrum of stakeholders join forces to call upon the EU Member State Ambassadors to continue technical discussions on the copyright reform and to not grant the Bulgarian Council Presidency a mandate to negotiate with the European Parliament (CopyBuzz)
26/04 EU pritišće Facebook i Google da pojačaju borbu protiv lažnih vijesti (Lider)
26/04 EU piles pressure on social media over fake news (Reuters)
26/04 EU-Kommissar für Sicherheitsunion fordert Klarnamen-Registrierung im Internet (NetzPolitik)
26/04 EU tells platforms to sort fake news by October or face new law (EU Observer)
26/04 “Fake news” strategy needs to be based on real evidence, not assumptions (EU Business)
26/04 Organizações de diversos países pedem à Anacom que defenda a neutralidade da Internet (Ardina)
26/04 EU jača pritisak na društvene mreže zbog širenja lažnih vijesti (AlJazeera Balkans)
26/04 EU tells social media giants to combat fake news or face new regulations (BrinkWire)
26/04 EU jača pritisak na društvene mreže zbog širenja lažnih vijesti (Publication)
26/04 EU piles strain on social media over faux information (Mining for news)
26/04 Europska komisija sastavlja Kodeks za sprječavanje širenja lažnih vijesti (Index.hr)
26/04 EU piles pressure on social media over fake news (UsamaTech)
26/04 EU Piles Pressure on Social Media Over Fake News (America News Portal)
27/04 EU piles pressure on social media over fake news (CGTN)
27/04 EU Piles Pressure on Tech Giants Like Facebook, Google Over Fake News (News18)
27/04 EU Piles Pressure on Social Media Over Fake News (NewsRains)
27/04 EU Piles Pressure on Tech Giants Like Facebook, Google Over Fake News (Newsnow)
27/04 Letzte Ausfahrt: Gesetzgeberische Maßnahmen (MDR.de)
27/04 Unión Europea no sede terreno ante noticias falsas (El Tiempo)
29/04 EU tells social media giants to combat fake news or face new regulations (ProNews)
30/04 Burgerrechtenbeweging bezorgd om e-privacywetten (Computable)
02/05 Why Europe’s privacy clampdown may not solve Facebook’s data scandal woes (Foxnews)
02/05 “Rights offline are valid online, laws offline are valid online”, says global Internet expert at World Press Freedom Day launch (DemerareWaves)
02/05 France, Spain, Italy and Portugal go beyond maximalist on © (CopyBuzz)
07/05 EU-Staaten arbeiten an neuen Ansätzen zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung (Heise Online)
08/05 Nowy model pozyskiwania danych cyfrowych w sprawach karnych (Publication)
10/05 Conoces tus derechos digitales (ElMundo)
15/05 EDRi calls on Parliament’s political groups to ban micro-targeting in their election campaigns (Agance Europe)
15/05 Offener Brief: Europäische Parteien sollen auf Microtargeting verzichten (Netzpolitik)
15/05 Title (DKE Chicago)
18/05 Netzpolitischer Wochenrückblick KW 20: Bayern kriegt Polizeigesetz, Berlin informiert über Funkzellenabfrage (Netzpolitik)
22/05 What Europe needs to ask Mark Zuckerberg (Politico)
22/05 Perusahaan-Perusahaan Teknologi Wajib Berbagi Data (NNews.id)
22/05 GDPR: How Europe’s new Internet rules could change your life (alJazeera)
22/05 Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg begins European leg of apology tour (Los Angeles Times)
23/05 Facebook’s Zuckerberg in Europe as tough data rules take effect (rfi)
23/05 European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation and Lessons for U.S. Privacy Policy (Competitive Enterprise Institute)
23/05 Cos’è la General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), la nuova legge UE per la privacy (EuroNews)
24/05 Ons vier jaar durende gevecht voor de bescherming van jouw gegevens (HQ-Niews)
24/05 Com ens protegeix el nou reglament europeu de protecció de dades? (VilaWeb)
25/05 RODO: koniec z traktowaniem nas jak towar (Portal Pomorza)
25/05 Czy RODO oznacza koniec traktowania nas jak towarów? (DII)
25/05 Today, a new E.U. law transforms privacy rights for everyone. Without Edward Snowden, it might never have happened. (The Washington Post)
25/05 GDPR: European tech firms struggle with new data protection law (AlJazeera)
25/05 POLITICO Brussels Influence, presented by The GSMA: Facebook hearing mess — EU election countdown — In-house agencies (Politico)
25/05 Unión Europea implementa fuertes medidas de protección de privacidad en internet (LeRed21)
31/05 The latest EDRi-gram (Wired)
31/05 Proposed EU Copyright Law Could Drastically Change Internet Sharing and Publishing (ECW)
31/05 Industry groups amp up lobby campaign to topple ePrivacy bill (EurActive)
01/06 GDPR a EDSM: Od svobodného internetu na hlídaný EUnet? (PCtunning)
03/06 European Digital Rights Activists Warns About EU Censorship Machine (FreezeNet)
04/06 EU-US work on police access to data hits roadblocks (PoliticoPRO)
05/06 Compte rendu de la conférence du 24 mai 2018 – Conversations européennes #3 – Réguler l’internet, un enjeu politique européen (EU Logos)
08/06 EU GDPR Comes Into Force, But Reaction Is Divided (FreezeNet)
11/06 Internet se může zcela změnit. Kontroverzní zákon je o krok blíž (Svobodni Svet)
DD/MM Title (Publication)
06/06 Dok se mi “zabavljamo” GDPR-om, EU uvodi “porez na linkove” i filtriranje naših sadržajae (Netokracija)
11/06 Kodi CLAMPDOWN: New piracy laws could change the face of illegal streaming FOREVER (Express)
12/06 Will EU copyright law ‘carpet bomb’ the digital world? (New Internationalist)
13/06 Will US net neutrality repeal be felt around the world? (WikiTribune)
14/06 What’s really behind the EU law that would ‘ban memes’ – and how to stop it before June 20 (TheNextWeb)
15/06 What’s in actuality within the help of the EU law that can perchance “ban memes” – and cease it before June 20 (Multinews)
14/06 L’Internet libre et ouvert est en danger : vous pouvez arrêter ce désastre (Linuxfr)
15/06 Europe’s Proposed “E-Evidence” Package Draws Fire (FreezeNet)
20/06 EU birokrati izglasali cenzuru interneta i zabranu memea, što sada? (Index)
20/06 EU takes first step in passing controversial copyright law that could ‘censor the internet’ (The Verge)
20/06 EU Copyright Reform Proposal Clears Lead Legislative Committee, To Cheers And Jeers (Intellectual Property Watch)
20/06 New EU Rules Could Ban Memes and Destroy the Internet as We Know It (AntiMedian)
20/06 EU Committee Approves Copyright Directive (Computer Business Review)
20/06 Internet Pioneers Warn New EU Rules Would Turn Web Into “Tool for Automated Surveillance and Control” (Common Dreams)
20/06 Joe McNamee: «Cette directive renforce la domination des géants du web» (Le Soir)
20/06 MEPs ignore expert advice and vote for mass internet censorship (EU Observer)
20/06 Europe takes another step towards copyright pre-filters for user generated content (TechCrunch)
20/06 Europe Slams the Door on Free Speech and Passes Article 13 (Freezenet)
20/06 EU-Urheberrecht: Weichenstellung für Upload-Filter und Presse-Leistungsschutzrecht (iRight info)
20/06 Europe takes another step towards copyright pre-filters for user generated content (Blogramo)
20/06 Europe Slams the Door on Free Speech and Passes Article 13 (FreezeNet)
20/06 Europe takes another step towards copyright pre-filters for user generated content (TopTechz)
20/06 Europe takes another step towards copyright pre-filters for user generated content – TechCrunch (Tech News)
20/06 Copyright: la commissione giuridica del Parlamento europeo ha votato per la censura di massa su Internet (Virtual Blog News)
20/06 La red se moviliza contra la propuesta europea de copyright que pretende convertir a las empresas en policías de contenidos (Publico)
20/06 Pioneros de Internet advierten que las nuevas normas de la UE convertirán la web en una “herramienta para la vigilancia y el control automatizados” (Steemit)
20/06 Europe takes another step towards copyright pre-filters for user generated content (Tech News Park)
20/06 Europe takes another step towards copyright pre-filters for user generated content – TechCrunch (Tech Snaq)
20/06 https://www.curtisryals.com/2018/06/20/eu-parliamentary-committee-votes-to-put-american-internet-giants-in-charge-of-what-speech-is-allowed-online/ (Curtis Ryals Reports)
20/06 EU Parliamentary Committee Votes To Put American Internet Giants In Charge Of What Speech Is Allowed Online (Give info)
20/06 https://netzpolitik.org/2018/schlag-gegen-die-netzfreiheit-eu-abgeordnete-treffen-vorentscheid-fuer-uploadfilter-und-leistungsschutzrecht/ (NetzPolitik)
21/06 Como uma nova legislação europeia de direitos autorais pode arruinar a internet como a conhecemos (Gizmodo Brasil)
21/06 Internet Pioneers Warn New EU Rules Would Turn Web Into “Tool for Automated Surveillance and Control” – Jessica Corbett (Wall Street Window)
21/06 Europe takes another step towards copyright pre-filters for user generated content – TechCrunch (Tech News)
21/06 European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee Goves green Light to Harmful Link Tax and Pervasive Platform Censorship (Censored Today)
21/06 Филтри и данък върху линковете – какво означават те за нас? (Conservative)
21/06 Пагубни решения за свободното разпространение на информация (Terminal3)
22/06 #LaRéplique – L’approbation par le parlement européen de la directive Copyright suscite des inquiétudes (EurActive Blogs)
22/06 Schlag gegen die Netzfreiheit:EU-Abgeordnete treffen Vorentscheid für Uploadfilter und Leistungsschutzrecht
(Demokratisch Links)
24/06 “Copyright protection in the EU”: the new reform can affect not only the media platforms (Habrahabr)
24/06 The new reform can affect not only the media platforms / IT-GRAD / Habr company blog (TechOrt)
24/06 Die große Filterphobie (Taz)
24/06 European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee Gives Green Light to Damaging Link Tax and Pervasive Platform Censorship (SCAm Channel)
25/06 Zivilgesellschaft: EU-Kommission muss gegen Vorratsdatenspeicherung vorgehen (Heise Online)
25/06 La commission des affaires juridiques du Parlement européen a voté pour les robots-censeurs de l’article 13 : quelle sera la suite ? (My tiny Tool)
26/06 La direttiva europea sul copyright minaccia internet? (World News netwoek Italy)
28/06 The latest EDRi-gram (Wired)
29/06 Segons European Digital Rights (EDRi) Espanya destaca “vergonyosament” en llibertat d’expressió (Català Digital )
29/06 EU-Copyright-Eklat: Dorothee Bär und Netzpolitiker gegen Upload-Filter (Heise Online)
29/06 Otra ONG de defensa de los derechos civiles pide derogar la ‘ley mordaza’ (El Nacional)
28/06 Directive Copyright : le vote du Parlement européen fixé au 5 juillet (Numerama)
28/06 La direttiva dell’UE sul copyright: una minaccia per la rete? (Buongiorno Slovachia)
29/06 Otra ONG de defensa de los derechos civiles pide derogar la ‘ley mordaza’ (Niews Reporter)
30/06 Europe takes another step towards copyright pre-filters for user generated content (TYoungSystems)
02/07 Interview zur DSGVO: Mit so krassen Reaktionen wurde wirklich nicht gerechnet (TreffPunktEuropa)
02/07 MEPs’ email says Article 13 “will not filter the internet”; JURI MEP’s tweet says it will (CopyBuzz)
02/07 https://unita.news/2018/07/02/i-danni-che-la-direttiva-sul-copyright-fara-alle-nostre-liberta-e-cosa-possiamo-fare-per-contrastarla/ (Unità News)
03/07 Italian Wikipedia ‘goes dark’ in protest over proposed EU copyright laws (NewsTalk)
03/07 Title (Heise Online)
03/07 EDRI Publishes Legal Analysis of Upload Filter Legislation, Article 13 (FreezeNet)
03/07 Copyright Filter: EU Rapporteur Voss accuses opponents of “Fake News” before (Techwarf)
03/07 Folgenschwere Abstimmung: EU-Parlament entscheidet über Zukunft des Urheberrechts (NetzPolitik)
04/07 Copyright: Wikipedia dopo Italia, al buio anche Spagna, Lettonia ed Estonia (Radio Roseto)
04/07 Όταν το όραμα γίνεται ψευδαίσθηση: Η Πρόταση Οδηγίας για τα δικαιώματα πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας στην ψηφιακή ενιαία αγορά (Lawpost)
04/07 Es geht um Fairness – nicht um Zensur (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)
04/07 Folgenschwere Abstimmung: EU-Parlament entscheidet über Zukunft des Urheberrechts (Kein Feiwild)
05/07 European MEPs Saves the Internet and Rejects Article 11 and Article 13 (FreezeNet)
05/07 Im nächsten Kampf um die Netzfreiheit (Sichtplaz)
05/07 Im nächsten Kampf um die Netzfreiheit (Sichtplaz)
05/07 Chi vuole e chi no la direttiva europea sul copyright (Wired)
05/07 Direttiva Ue sui diritti d’autore, quali conseguenze sull’informazione digitale (Due Righe)
05/07 “Todesdrohungen”: Klagen über Lobbying überschatten EU-Copyright-Entscheid (Heise Online)
05/07 Im nächsten Kampf um die Netzfreiheit (Sichtplaz)
05/07 Article 13 rejected by MEPs: What you need to know about the law that could have killed internet culture (alphr)
05/07 European Parliament Rejects Starting Negotiations On Copyright Reform Proposal (Intelectual Property Watch)
05/07 EU Parliamentarians support an open and democratic debate around the Copyright Directive (EUbusiness)
06/07 European Union rejects controversial copyright reforms (PCfind)
06/07 Europe takes another step towards copyright pre-filters for user generated content (VivalTopFeeds)
06/07 EU-Urheberrechtsreform: Das sind die Reaktionen auf die Entscheidung des Europäischen Parlaments (Cancom)
06/07 Alleged “meme ban” stalls in Europe; internet celebrates with memes (Salon)
06/07 Reform des Urheberrechts – Zwischen Todesdrohungen und Begeisterung – Reaktionen auf EU-Entscheid (Gamestar)
10/07 MEPs send copyright reform proposal back for rethink (EUbusiness)
11/07 Council of Europe cooperation against cybercrime — human rights Octopus or fishy deals? (FinTechLog)
14/07 Privacy Rights Organization Zwiebelfreunde Raided by German Police (FreezeNet)
16/07 Ceta, si crede ancora che porterà guadagni miracolosi. Ma i numeri dicono altro (Il Fatto Quotidiano)
16/07 Get to Know Berlin’s Hottest Female Entrepreneurs for 2018 (The Culture Trip)
18/07 What will it take to #savetheinternet in Europe? The view from Romania (Globam Voices)
23/07 Schutz gegen Tracking unerwünscht: Österreich verschiebt ePrivacy-Reform auf den St. Nimmerleinstag (Netzpolitik)
24/07 YouTube patzt beim Löschen von Terrorvideos (Heise Online)
27/07 Digitaler Binnenmarkt – here we come? (UdL Digital)
31/07 EFF Pioneer Awards 2018 an Netzaktivisten Joe McNamee, Fair-Use-Kämpferin Stephanie Lenz und Forscherin Sarah T. Roberts (Netzpolitik)
31/07 Cosa bisogna fare per #salvareinternet in Europa? Punti di vista dalla Romania (Global Voices)
14/08 How to file a copyright infringement complaint on YouTube (Pleaders)
15/08 3 ways to ensure the internet’s future is creative, collaborative, and fair (BigThink)
19/08 El Internet Freedom Festival 2019 buscará consolidar València como la “capital mundial de los derechos digitales” (EuropaPress)
20/08 Internet Freedom Festival torna per a consolidar València com a “capital mundial dels drets digitals” (Valencia Extra)
21/08 EU aiming at early removal of extremist content (China Daily)
21/08 EU to force removal of extremist content (Ecns.cn)
23/08 #SaveYourInternet: Europljani izlaze na ulice 26. kolovoza, pridružite se i vi! (Netokracija)
30/08 I’m back in Europe just in time for the latest EDRi-gram (Wired)
03/09 Curtain up for the next round (Web Schauder)
03/09 La guerra del copyright vuelve a la Eurocámara sin consenso a la vista (El Diario)
04/09 How the EU will force all artists to use Youtube, forever (BoingBoing)
04/09 Tech Firms Brace for Salvo of European Privacy Rules (National Jpurnal)
05/09 La UE abre la puerta a garantizar el anonimato de los alertadores de corrupción (La Vanguardia)
05/09 New European Copyright Proposal Blasted As Internet Threat (Freezenet)
05/09 Lobbyismus per Mail-Lawine (Frankfurter Allgemeine)
05/09 How the EU will drive all artists to make use of Youtube, endlessly (WakaJobs)
06/09 YouTube Chief Says Article 13 “Undermines Creative Economy” (TorrentFreak)
0709 YouTube’s CBO speaks out against Article 13 of EU’s controversial copyright law (PacktHub)
07/09 YouTube Chief Says Article 13 “Undermines Creative Economy” (Dimitrology)
11/09 The continental rift: Two pieces of EU legislative reform that could have ‘substantial effect’ on freedom of expression rights for media and public alike (Press Gazette)
12/09 Here Comes Another EU Law Threatening Google and Facebook With Enormous Fines (Fortune)
12/09 European Parliament Approves Negotiating Stance On Copyright Reform (Intelectual Property Watch)
12/09 EU lawmakers back controversial copyright reforms (EuroNews)
12/09 Juncker goes to war against disinformation and online terrorist content (EurActive)
12/09 EU Parliament flip-flops backwards on copyrigh (EUBussines)
12/09 Here Comes Another EU Law Threatening Google and Facebook With Enormous Fines (Yahoo)
12/09 EU-Kommission will Terrorismus mit Upload-Filtern und automatischen Systemen bekämpfen (Netzpolitik)
12/09 Tout comprendre sur la directive européenne sur le droit d’auteur (Konbini)
12/09 EU-Parlament stimmte für Uploadfilter und Linksteuer (Der Standard)
12/09 La riforma sul Copyright è passata (StartUp Italia)
12/09 Perché l’approvazione della riforma del copyright non è un buona notizia (Wired Italia)
12/09 La Comisión Europea quiere que las webs borren los comentarios relacionados con terrorismo en menos de una hora (El Diario)
12/09 União Europeia dá sinal verde para nova lei de direitos autorais que pode arruinar a web (Gizmodo)
12/09 European Parliament Approves Catastrophic Copyright Bill That Threatens the Internet (Gizmodo)
12/09 Here Comes Another EU Law Threatening Google and Facebook With Enormous Fines (Yahoo News)
12/09 Today, the EU will vote on the future of the internet (again) (The Verge)
12/09 Internetbedrijven riskeren miljardenboete bij te laat verwijderen terreurpropaganda (RTL Z)
12/09 EU Government Rejects Internet Rights and Passes Copyright Laws (FreezeNet)
12/09 Google: Nytt direktiv kan strypa de kreativa (Svenska Dagbladet)
13/09 https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2018/09/european-parliament-approves-catastrophic-copyright-bill-that-threatens-the-internet/ (Gizmodo)
13/09 Il Parlamento europeo minaccia Internet con una catastrofica legge sul copyright (Il Corriere Nazionale)
13/09 New Copyright Powers, New “Terrorist Content” Regulations: A Grim Day For Digital Rights in Europe (IT Security News)
13/09 EU Introduces New Law Forcing Tech Firms to Censor Unwanted Speech in 24 Hours (Breibart)
13/09 Ξετυλίγοντας το κουβάρι: Μεταρρύθμιση στο Δίκαιο της Πνευματικής Ιδιοκτησίας (The Press project)
13/09 Title (MaeketWatch)
13/09 EU Copyright Reform Meets Resistance From Stakeholders, Some Governments (ip-watch.org)
13/09 EU Introduces New Law Forcing Tech Firms to Censor Unwanted Speech in 24 Hours (Breitbart)
15/10 Facebook-Datenleck: Drei Fehler, 30 Millionen erbeutete Profile (Netzpolitik.org)
16/09 Security and migration proposals dominate Juncker`s `State of the Union` announcements (NoRacism.net)
17/09 Europe Doubles Down, Now Demands 1 Hour Removal of Terrorism (FreezeNet)
18/09 Ξετυλίγοντας το κουβάρι: Μεταρρύθμιση στο Δίκαιο της Πνευματικής Ιδιοκτησίας (Ipyxida)
01/10 Tu DNI electrónico por fin servirá de algo en la Unión Europea, aunque surgen dudas sobre la privacidad (Genbeta)
03/10 Öffentliches Geld? Öffentliches Gut! (Netzpolitik)
05/10 Los trabajadores tendrán desconexión digital en 2019 (ibercampus.es)
06/10 YouTube chief warns EU Copyright Directive could ‘undermine’ the creative economy (IPP Pro)
12/10 > The European Commission’s E-evidence Proposal: Toward an EU-wide Obligation for Service Providers to Cooperate with Law Enforcement? (European Law Blog)
15/10 Wie Europa den Schutz gegen Tracking im Netz aufs Abstellgleis manövriert (netzpolitik.org)
19/10 Civil society warns Commission about a binding solution to online misinformation (Agence Europe)
25/10 The EU call it copyright, but it is massive Internet censorship and must be stopped (Open Democracy)
30/10 Nicht nur die üblichen Verdächtigen: Breites Bündnis fordert von Altmaier Einsatz für Anti-Tracking-Gesetz [Update] (netzpolitik.org)
01/11 European NGOs Launch GDPR Campaign (Michigan Standard)
13/11 EU DPAs Receive Thousands of Complaints Under the GDPR (Lexology)
14/11 Censure antiterroriste : Macron se soumet aux géants du Web pour instaurer une surveillance généralisée (ewb.one)
16/11 RGPD: l’autorité belge de protection des données a du mal à tenir le rythme (Le Soir)
22/11#SaveYourInternet : l’Union Européenne va-t-elle tuer la création artistique sur le web ? (Moustique)
23/11Is The Internet Under Threat? Interview With #SaveYourInternet Member On EU’s Copyright Directive (Forbes)
05/12 E-Evidence: A threat to people’s fundamental rights? (Euractiv)
05/12 Alertan de que Europa frena su propuesta de privacidad ‘online’ mientras avanza hacia un mayor control policial de las redes (Publico)
06/12 EU-Staaten stimmen für Upload-Filter im Kampf gegen Terrorpropaganda (Heise Online)
06/12 Civil society invites Council to review its copy of proposal for a Regulation on electronic evidence (Agence Europe)
07/12 Los Estados paralizan el plan de la UE para vetar las cookies abusivas y blindar los metadatos (El diario)
07/12 e-Evidence: EU-Staaten beschließen umstrittenen Entwurf zu elektronischen Beweismitteln (Netzpolitik)
12/12 Alerta por el JEFTA, el controvertido tratado entre la UE y Japón aprobado este miércoles (Cuarto Poder)
14/12 The UN airs ‘serious concerns’ about an EU bid to control ‘terrorist content’ online (The Canary)
17/12 French privacy watchdog tells Whatsapp to stop sharing data with Facebook (RFI)
19/12 E-Privacy: Österreich legte neue EU-Datenschutzregeln auf Eis (Der Standard)
20/12 Europe and USA Face Off on Data Protection Rules (Courthouse News Service)
22/12 What does the repeal of net neutrality mean for development? (Devex)
30/12 Réseaux sociaux, données personnelles, algorithmes… comment inventer un futur numérique plus radieux ? (Le Monde)
EDRi’s Press Review 2017
EDRi’s Press Review 2016
EDRi’s Press Review 2015
EDRi’s Press Review 2014