Digitale Gesellschaft: Fighting for digitals rights in Germany
Our German member Digitale Gesellschaft was founded in 2010. The organisation's main goals are digital rights advocacy and effective campaigns. In this blogpost we present their work to defend digital rights in Germany.
Our German member Digitale Gesellschaft was founded in 2010. The organisation’s main goals are digital rights advocacy and effective campaigns.
In 2012, the organisation launched a popular online campaign against Vodafone’s net neutrality violations.
In 2013, Digitale Gesellschaft launched to call on European policy-makers
to adopt remix rights in the European copyright legislation and invite
people to submit links to his or her favourite remix works.
In 2015, Digitale Gesellschaft advocated successfully for the establishment of a judicially defined “fair use” exception for the use of sound samples in German copyright law by assisting as amicus curiae in the “Metall auf Metall” case in front of the German Constitutional Court (the exception still has to be confirmed by the Court of Justice of the European Union, CJEU).
In 2017, EDRi’s German member organisation Digitale Gesellschaft largely contributed to the abolishment of secondary wifi liability in Germany (see Hearing in the Committee on Economy and Energy)

Right to Remix campaign
Digitale Gesellschaft promotes net neutrality with Vodafail actions (19.12.2012)
“Right to Remix”: Initiative for a European Copyright Reform (28.08.2013)
Reckless social media law threatens freedom of expression in Germany (05.04.2017)