Our work
EDRi is the biggest European network defending rights and freedoms online. We work to to challenge private and state actors who abuse their power to control or manipulate the public. We do so by advocating for robust and enforced laws, informing and mobilising people, promoting a healthy and accountable technology market, and building a movement of organisations and individuals committed to digital rights and freedoms in a connected world.
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The biggest data breach in Turkish history
About 50 million personal records of Turkish citizens have been made publicly available in a searchable database on the internet. Ironically, although the site that holds the database is open to the entire world, it is one of the 110,000 sites blocked by Turkish government and can only be accessed from Turkey via a virtual […]
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New data protection law in Turkey
Turkish Parliament enacted the Data Protection Law on 24 March 2016 and it entered into force on 7 April. There had been several attempts for enacting the Law over the course of more than 10 years, but all of the bills were later withdrawn by the AKP – Justice and Development Party (the ruling party […]
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Trilogues: the system that undermines EU democracy and transparency
Most of the legislation of the European Union (EU) is today adopted using an informal, non-democratic, non-accountable and non-transparent process. This mechanism is known in the EU bubble as “trilogues” or “trialogues”. Trilogues are a set of informal negotiations between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission to fast-track […]
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Countering terrorism, a.k.a. the biggest human rights threat of 2016
United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on counter-terrorism and Human rights, Ben Emmerson said “the central challenge for human rights in 2016 [is] ensuring governments continue to support a human rights agenda” while seeking to end terrorism. The European Union is also faced with this challenge. In the EU, there is currently a proposal for a […]
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Huge protest against corruption & surveillance in Macedonia
The political crisis in Macedonia deepened on 12 April when the President Gjorgi Ivanov announced that he would issue a blanket pardon to 56 politicians suspected of involvement in serious crimes. Over the last eight days, tens of thousands of citizens took to the streets of the capital city Skopje and about a dozen other […]
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Press Release: Vote on Data Protection and Passenger Name Record package
The European Parliament looks set to adopt two proposals on data protection and a proposal on the profiling of air passengers (PNR, Passenger Name Records) tomorrow, 14 April. The two data protection proposals seek to protect our fundamental right to privacy. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) covers the protection of personal data across all […]
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Special report: Poland’s secret services are still using and abusing telecom and Internet data
With almost two million requests for telecommunication data and more than two thousand requests for Internet data concerning Polish citizens in 2015, it is clear that the access to metadata in Poland by the country’s secret services is still out of control. Compared to 2014, the Polish Panoptykon Foundation found that the number of requests […]
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EDRi joins open letter asking for an ambitious copyright reform
In light of the planned copyright reform by the European Commission, EDRi today (7 April, 2016) sent an open letter addressed to President Juncker, First Vice-President Timmermans, Vice-President Ansip and other commissioners. In the letter, we demand an ambitious copyright reform that “that upholds and strengthens fundamental principles such as the limitation of intermediaries’ liability […]
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OnlineCensorship.org launches first report
This article was been published on 31 March 2016 on onlinecensorship.org We re-publish it in this EDRi-gram with the kind approval of the team behind onlinecensorship.org Onlinecensorship.org is pleased to share our first report “Unfriending Censorship: Insights from four months of crowdsourced data on social media censorship.” The report draws on data gathered directly from users between November 2015 and […]
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Opt me out of location – campaign and report against mobile tracking
Open Rights Group, a UK member of EDRi has launched a campaign to enable people to opt out of location and web traffic tracking by their mobile providers. The campaign includes a tool to help people find out how to opt out, which is usually quite hard to find information about. The campaign is backed […]
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Intelligence organisations get more surveillance powers in Romania
The past few months brought Romania three different surveillance proposals which blatantly increase the powers of the already excessively powerful Romanian intelligence organisations. 1. The first proposal is the new cybersecurity bill that we’ve already covered in past EDRi-gram articles. It would put computer and network security almost entirely under the purview of the many […]
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Final consultation to save the open Internet in Europe
The future of the open and competitive Internet in Europe (so-called “net neutrality”) will be decided in Europe in the coming months. After regulators in India and the United States ruled that Internet companies are not permitted to undermine innovation, competition and free speech, now it is Europe’s turn. Failure in the EU will have […]
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