Resist Europol Document Pool
This document pool gathers all the relevant documentation regarding Europol’s powers and legislative reforms, critical analysis and research as well as tools for action.
Europol is the European Union Agency for law enforcement cooperation. In the past decade, its surveillance powers have been vastly extended, allowing the agency to collect and process ever more data. The Resist Europol coalition is an initiative that aims to document and contest the EU securitisation agenda, notably through Europol’s expansion and its impacts on the rule of law, human rights and marginalised communities.
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Europol is the European Union Agency for law enforcement cooperation. Its main mission is to support EU Member States’ law enforcement authorities in the detection and investigation of (theoretically) serious forms of crime, such as organised crime and terrorism. It does so by receiving, sharing and analysing information and data received from national police authorities, international organisations such as Interpol, countries outside the EU and private companies.
Europol’s powers have been constantly bolstered since its establishment as an EU body in 2009, with two substantial reforms in 2016 and 2022. Today the agency plays an increasing role in cross-border police activities and big operations. Its focus on information collection and processing contributes to anchoring a data-driven model of policing in Europe.
This means that surveillance and repression of individuals and organisations have intensified at the European level through the daily, extensive exchange of data among the agency and several European police and migration forces. The surveillance is amplified through the use of algorithmic systems, which are known to encode historical racist policing practices into data analysis.
This webpage gathers all the relevant documentation regarding Europol’s powers and legislative reforms, critical analysis and research as well as tools for action.
Who we are
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The Resist Europol coalition is an open group of activists, researchers, lawyers, journalists, prison and police abolitionists, civil society organisations and more with a shared concern of the expanding EU policies, practices and agenda driven by criminalisation, surveillance and punishment.
Our work is aimed at resisting the continued expansion of Europol, which is participating in the wider state and social structures of oppression responsible for the societal harms they claim to address. Our mission is to support the emergence and expansion of alternative practices that can lead to societies where all people and communities are met with care, live in safety and in dignity.
We do so by documenting and making visible Europol’s activities, powers and impacts on communities and people, by producing critical analysis of Europol’s mandate and role, its narrative and technological capabilities, and by standing in solidarity with communities affected and movements fighting against criminalisation and policing more broadly.
2022 Reform
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Despite concerns raised by civil society and academia, the EU legislators adopted a reform that largely expanded Europol’s mandate. Among others, Europol can process large and complex datasets for a long period of time, informally exchange personal data with private companies and carry out its own research and innovation projects, without there being sufficient democratic oversight or fundamental rights safeguards.
- Consolidated Europol Regulation (2016/794 + 2022/991)
EPRS Briefing EU legislation in Progress: Strengthening Europol’s mandate, July 2022
- Statewatch, Empowering the police, removing protections: the new Europol Regulation, 10 November 2022
- EDRi, Recommendations on the revision of Europol’s mandate, 10 June 2021
- EPRS, Strengthening Europol’s mandate, May 2021
- EDPS, Opinion on the Proposal for Amendment of the Europol Regulation, 8 March 2021
- Lisette Mustert, Case T-578/22: Supervising Europol’s Big Data Challenge – making ‘the best of it’ by means of (limited) administrative enforcement powers, 21 December 2023
- Teresa Quintel, The EDPS on Europol’s Big Data Challenge in Light of the Recast Europol Regulation. European Data Protection Law Review, 8(1), 90-102, 2022
- Statewatch, Europol management board in breach of new rules as soon as they came into force, 30 November 2022
- Flavia Giglio, The EDPS’ action of annulment against the new Europol Regulation: showdown of the “big data challenge”?, 13 October 2022
- EDPS, EDPS takes legal action as new Europol Regulation puts rule of law and EDPS independence under threat, 22 September 2022
- EDPS, Amended Europol Regulation weakens data protection supervision, 27 June 2022
- EDRi and Fair Trials, Europol’s ever-increasing mandate: European Parliament failed to stand up for fundamental rights, 5 May 2022
- EDRi, Europol’s new powers will enable Big Data analysis and mass surveillance. We say NO!, 28 April 2022
- Fair Trials, Europol’s expanding mandate: European Parliament must stand against unaccountable and discriminatory policing, 28 April 2022
- EDRi, Europol’s reform: A future data black hole in European policing, 20 April 2022
- Statewatch, EU: Europol and the Schengen Information System: new powers to propose “information alerts”, 14 April 2022
- Matthias Monroy, Information systems at Europol: Fishing the “data lake” with a new dragnet, 17 March 2022
- Sarah Tas, Europol’s Big Data Challenge, 10 February 2022
- EDRi, Secret negotiations about Europol: the big rule of law scandal, 31 January 2022
- EDRi, The EU’s own ‘Snowden Scandal’: Europol’s Data Mining, 19 January 2022
- Apostolis Fotiadis, Ludek Stavinoha, Giacomo Zandonini, Daniel Howden, A data ‘black hole’: Europol ordered to delete vast store of personal data, The Guardian, 10 January 2022
- Sarah Eskens, New and extensive data processing powers proposed for Europol, 30 July 2021
- Niovi Vavoula and Valsamis Mitsilegas, Strengthening Europol’s Mandate: An Appraisal of the Commission’s Proposal to Amend Regulation (EU) 2016/784 (Europol Regulation), 29 July 2021
2023 Reform
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In November 2023, the European Commission announced a new so-called “migrant smuggling” framework, including a regulation aimed to reinforce Europol’s role by increasing inter-agency and third-country cooperation in the field. In essence, this reform expands Europol’s powers in relation to all crimes for which it is competent, not only “migrant smuggling”, and gives it investigative powers during joint operations with national police forces.
- Proposal for a Regulation on enhancing police cooperation in relation to the prevention, detection and investigation of migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings, and on enhancing Europol’s support to preventing and combating such crimes and amending Regulation (EU) 2016/794
- Commission’s Staff Working Document accompanying the proposal, April 2024
- Belgian Presidency’s compromise text, 30 April 2024
- European Parliament Rapporteur’s draft report, 13 February 2025
- EDPS, Opinion 4/2024 on the Proposal for a Regulation on enhancing police cooperation in relation to the prevention, detection and investigation of migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings, 23 January 2024
- #ProtectNotSurveil position paper, ‘Stopping the Unfettered Expansion of Europol’s Digital Surveillance Powers against Migrants. A position paper on the European Commission’s proposal for a Regulation to enhance Europol’s support in ‘preventing and fighting migrant smuggling”, February 2025
- Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice, ‘Ending the criminalisation of migration and solidarity. Equinox’s position on the EU Facilitators Package’, November 2024
- European Parliamentary Research Service, ‘Proposal for a regulation on police cooperation to counter migrant smuggling and human trafficking. Targeted substitute impact assessment’, 5 February 2025
- EDRi, Stop Europol’s Trojan Horse: 168 organisations and experts call to reject “insidious” police powers expansion, 11 March 2025
- EDRi, Why the new Europol regulation is a Trojan Horse for surveillance, 19 February 2025
- Antonella Napolitano and Hope Barker, Europe’s Digital Border Wars: How the EU’s Facilitation Package is Another Step in Europol’s Unjustified Power Expansion, 13 January 2025
- Statewatch, Europol migrant smuggling proposal torn to shreds by the Council, 10 May 2024
- Romain Lanneau, Putting the cart before the horse: the Commission’s proposal to increase Europol’s powers, Statewatch, 25 April 2024
- Statewatch, Policing migration: when “harm reduction” means “multipurpose aerial surveillance”, 9 April 2024
- Statewatch, New powers for Europol: proposal gets frosty reception from member states, 12 February 2024
- Federico Alagna, The persisting challenges of the new European Commission’s smuggling directive proposal, 8 January 2024
- Statewatch, Expansive new police powers hidden behind EU’s migrant smuggling proposals, 12 December 2023
Exercise your right to access
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The coalition created a guide for everyone who wishes to access personal data on them that is processed, or has been processed, by Europol. Access requests help us to understand the extent of the agency’s data collection and processing activities, and increase scrutiny.
We welcome feedback for continuous improvement of the guide. Please contact us if you make use of it and submit a request for personal data to Europol. This could greatly help us in improving our advocacy work.
- Romain Lanneau & Chloé Berthélémy, Why your data might already be on a Europol list, 9 October 2023
- EDRi, Rather delete than comply: how Europol snubbed data subject rights, 28 September 2022
- Fair Trials, Europol told to hand over personal data to Dutch activist, 15 September 2022
- Romain Lanneau, “Call them crazy”: Criminalisation of activists undermines rule of law in the EU, Statewatch, 28 March 2023
Europol’s Research and Development activities
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Europol is seeking to become a key actor in the field of research and development for policing. The 2022 reform of Europol’s mandate gives the agency the power to process large datasets in the context of “research and innovation” projects, in particular the ones aiming to develop, train, test and validate algorithms for the development of law enforcement tools. It also gained a reinforced role in setting overall EU security research priorities, advising the European Commission in funds allocation.
For this purpose, Europol has established an Innovation Lab in late 2019, which aims at technology monitoring, managing R&D projects, and networking with national police authorities, industry and research institutions. Moreover, the Innovation Lab was tasked with coordinating the EU Innovation Hub for Internal Security, that was created on the instructions of the Council in 2019 and is composed of several EU agencies in the Justice and Home Affairs field, including Frontex. The Innovation Hub aims to monitor and develop new technological “solutions” (among others artificial intelligence tools) which are of cross-cutting relevance for Member States’ authorities in the field of law enforcement, border management, criminal justice and the security aspects of migration and customs. Current priorities for the Innovation Hub are artificial intelligence, including a European Security Data Space to pool data and train algorithms, encryption and quantum computing, drones, biometrics and virtual reality
Under the EU’s “Horizon 2020” framework research programme, Europol was already involved in the development of new technologies as partner of projects looking into the use of artificial intelligence, big data, machine learning and virtual and augmented reality for law enforcement purposes, namely AIDA, GRACE, INFINITY, PROTON and STARLIGHT. The Europol Regulation of 2022 excludes the agency from the funding streams of the new “Horizon Europe” framework research programme to avoid conflicts of interests that might arise from the agency’s new role to advise the Commission on research priorities, draft working programmes and support their implementation.
The coalition will monitor Europol’s activities in this field in the coming years.
- [In German] Eric Töpfer, An der Leine der Agenturen. EU-Sicherheitsforschung im Schatten von Frontex und Co. In: CILIP, 134, April 2024
- Statewatch, Big data experiments: new powers for Europol risk reinforcing police bias, 11 February 2021
- Statewatch, EU: Police seeking new technologies as Europol’s “Innovation Lab” takes shape, 18 November 2020
- Statewatch, EU: “Data lakes”, broken silos, changing the law: Counter-Terrorism Coordinator enthusiastic for Europol’s new ‘innovation hub’, 24 February 2020
Europol’s internet content policing
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Since 2015, Europol set up an Internet Referral Unit (IRU) tasked to flag “terrorist and violent extremist” content to online platforms (so-called “referrals” which are recommendations for take-down). The unit is also supposed to support Member States “with operational and strategic analysis.” There is no judicial involvement or oversight of this censorship activity. Europol’s IRU tries to draw the attention of websites and Internet Service Providers to potentially illegal activities that may breach commercial terms of service but they do not enforce the law, although the process interferes with people’s freedom of expression and of information.
- EDRi, ENDitorial: The fake fight against fake news, 25 July 2018
- EDRi, Europol: Delete criminals’ data, but keep watch on the innocent, 27 March 2018
- EDRi, LEAK: European Commission’s reckless draft Recommendation on “illegal” content, 13 February 2018
- Kilian Vieth, Policing the internet: how Europol takes action against undesirable content online, 20 July 2017
- Statewatch, Policing the internet: from terrorism and extremism to “content used by traffickers to attract migrants and refugees, March 2016
- EDRi, Joint Referral Platform: no proof of diligent approach to terrorism, 21 September 2016
- EDRi, Oversight of the new Europol regulation likely to remain superficial, 12 July 2016
- EDRi, Europol: Non-transparent cooperation with IT companies, 18 May 2016
Europol’s role in the proposed “Chat control” Regulation
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On 11 May 2022, the European Commission put forward a draft law that threatens the safety, security, privacy and free expression of internet users globally. The “Proposal for a Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse,” or CSAR, is a law mandating the monitoring and partial restriction of all public and private digital communications. Internet companies would be obligated to send detected content to a newly created EU Centre, who would then send it to Europol and national police. The draft law implicitly seeks to maximise the amount of information submitted to law enforcement and allow for its retention in Europol databases.
- EDRi, ENDitorial: The fake fight against fake news, 25 July 2018
- EDRi, Europol: Delete criminals’ data, but keep watch on the innocent, 27 March 2018
- EDRi, LEAK: European Commission’s reckless draft Recommendation on “illegal” content, 13 February 2018
- Kilian Vieth, Policing the internet: how Europol takes action against undesirable content online, 20 July 2017
- Statewatch, Policing the internet: from terrorism and extremism to “content used by traffickers to attract migrants and refugees, March 2016
- EDRi, Joint Referral Platform: no proof of diligent approach to terrorism, 21 September 2016
- EDRi, Oversight of the new Europol regulation likely to remain superficial, 12 July 2016
- EDRi, Europol: Non-transparent cooperation with IT companies, 18 May 2016
Additional Resources
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- Statewatch, EU agencies and interoperable databases: an interactive ‘map’ of EU agencies’ role and place in the “interoperability” architecture
- Luděk Stavinoha, Apostolis Fotiadis and Giacomo Zandonini, EU’s Frontex Tripped in Its Plan for ‘Intrusive’ Surveillance of Migrants, BIRN, 7 July 2022
- Statewatch, Undercover policing: the ‘alphabet soup’ of cross-border networks, groups and projects, 16 November 2018
- Isabela Rosal Santos (2023) Data sharing between Europol and Brazil: challenging negotiation
- Sarah Tas (2023) The dangerous increasing support of Europol in national criminal investigations: An additional layer of complexity. New Journal of European Criminal Law, 14(4), 534-551.
- Anne Weyembergh & Georgia Theodorakakou (2023) The role of Europol and Eurojust in countering the threat of FTFs: An evolving mandate. New Journal of European Criminal Law, 14(2), 157-182.
- Geert Vermeulen & Niovi Vavoula (2023) (Covert) Surveillance of Foreign Terrorism Fighters via the Schengen Information System (SIS): Towards Maximum Operationalisation of Alerts and an Enhanced Role for Europol. New Journal of European Criminal Law, 14(2), 206-230.
- Kerttuli Lingenfelter & Samuli Miettinen (2021) Obstacles to supranational operational police powers in the European union: Europol reform and the construction of trust between national police authorities. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 28(2), 182-191.
- Florin Coman-Kund (2020) Europol’s International Exchanges of Data and Interoperability of AFSJ Databases. European Public Law, 26(1), 181-204.
- Teresa Quintel (2020) Interoperable Data Exchanges Within Different Data Protection Regimes: The Case of Europol and the European Border and Coast Guard Agency. European Public Law, 26(1), 205-226.
- Maria Schinina (2020) What Balance between Eurojust and Europol form a Parliamentary Angle?, New Journal of European Criminal Law, 11(2), 123-134.
- Julia Jansson (2018) Building resilience, demolishing accountability? The role of Europol in counter-terrorism. Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 28(4), 432-447.
- Ethem Ilbiz, Christian Kaunert & Dimitrios Anagnostakis (2017) The counterterrorism agreements of Europol with third countries: Data protection and power asymmetry, Terrorism and Political Violence, 29(6), 967-984. DOI: 10.1080/09546553.2015.1092438
- Europol public register
- Communication on the EU roadmap to fight drug trafficking and organised crime (2023)
- Communication State of Schengen Report (2023)
- Communication First Report on the Application of the Data Protection Regulation for European Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies (Regulation 2018/1725)
- European Parliament recommendation of 15 June 2023 to the Council and the Commission following the investigation of alleged contraventions and maladministration in the application of Union law in relation to the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware
- European Parliament recommendation of 5 July 2022 to the Council and the Commission on the negotiations for a cooperation agreement between the European Union and the International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO-INTERPOL)
- European Parliament resolution of 17 December 2020 on the EU Security Union Strategy
- Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group description