February 22, 2022

Discrimination and surveillance: Can the EU Artificial Intelligence Act fix injustice?

The Open Society European Policy Institute and European Digital Rights (EDRi) invite you to join us on a deep dive with EU policy-makers, academic and civil society experts. The virtual conference will explore how the Artificial Intelligence Act can be a positive force in Europe towards protecting people's human rights and delivering social justice.

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May 3, 2023 · Position papers | Open internet and inclusive technology | Data protection standards | Digital sustainability | Transparency

The Cyber Resilience Act: How to make Europe more digitally resilient?

If the EU’s new Cyber Resilience Act truly wants to improve the EU’s digital security landscape, it must do more than introduce an industry certification scheme: true IT security requires long-term software support, transparent and safe vulnerability handling and disclosure, and an acknowledgment of the essential role of free and open software communities in Europe’s digitisation.

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July 13, 2022 · Blogs | Campaigns | Press mentions | Privacy and data protection | Online tracking industry / AdTech | Platform regulation

EU Digital Services Act brings us closer to an inclusive, equitable internet

Strong enforcement of the DSA can bring human rights improvements, but real alternatives to the current dominant surveillance business model are still needed

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August 2, 2021 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Freedom of expression online | Online tracking industry / AdTech | Platform regulation

Can the EU Digital Services Act contest the power of Big Tech’s algorithms? 

A progressive report on the Digital Services Act (DSA) adopted by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) in the European Parliament in July is the first major improvement of the draft law presented by the European Commission in December. MEPs expressed support for default protections from tracking and profiling for the purposes of advertising and recommending or ranking content. Now the ball is in the court of the leading committee on internal market and consumer protection (IMCO), which received 1313 pages of amendments to be voted in November.  EDRi's member Panoptykon Foundation explores if the Parliament would succeed in adopting a position that will contest the power of dominant online platforms which shape the digital public sphere in line with their commercial interests, at the expense of individuals and societies.

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February 24, 2021

The Digital Markets Act – how to break the market dominance of Big Tech

What are the problems with market dominance of big tech? How are governments trying to solve them? Will the Digital Markets Act and similar efforts be enough? Join this webinar to learn more.

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February 22, 2017 · Blogs

Proposed Espionage Act threatens free speech in the UK

The UK’s Law Commission has announced proposals that could mean journalists and whistleblowers are treated as spies if they “handle” official data. The ongoing open public consultation on the protection of official data, run by the Law Commission, suggests that the crime of espionage is changed so that it is “capable of being committed by […]

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June 15, 2023 · Blogs | Open letters | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards

Open Letter: Make vulnerability disclosure in the Cyber Resilience Act more secure, not less

The CRA would require organisations to disclose software vulnerabilities to government agencies within 24 hours of exploitation. However, such recently exploited vulnerabilities are unlikely to be mitigated within such a short time, leading to real-time databases of software with unmitigated vulnerabilities in the possession of potentially dozens of government agencies. Read the open letter.

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March 25, 2015 · Blogs

Patriot Act à la française: France to legalise unlawful surveillance

In recent years, France has increasingly tightened its laws on crimes committed on the Internet. From the LOPPSI law voted in 2012 to the latest anti-terror law voted in November 2014, the bill on Intelligence announced on 19 March by the French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, is fully consistent with a history of repressive Internet […]

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November 4, 2009

ISPs Meeting sparks debate over Dutch Data Retention obligations

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Treffen der ISPs heizt Debatte über niederländische Vorratsdatenspeicherung an | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1569] Dutch government agencies held a meeting on 14 October 2009 with internet service providers, looking for ways to clarify the data retention obligations under the country’s new Data Retention Act. After the meeting, ISPs still face uncertainty […]

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December 14, 2021 · Blogs | Press releases | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Freedom of expression online | Surveillance and data retention

Has the Parliament effectively wielded the Digital Services Act to challenge platform power? The verdict is, somewhat.

Today, the European Parliament Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) has approved its much-anticipated report on the Digital Services Act (DSA). The DSA affects how intermediaries like Google and Amazon regulate and influence user activity on their platforms, including people's ability to exercise their rights and freedoms online. The DSA also aims at limiting the negative impact of the most powerful online platforms on people and puts limits on how EU Member States can interfere with people’s free expression online.

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May 10, 2006

Public debate on draft anti-terror act in Denmark

On May 10 2006, a public hearing was held in the Danish Parliament on a new proposal for an anti-terror act including surveillance measures. The proposed law may increase camera surveillance, obliges carriers to store passenger data for one year and introduces new measures for the intelligence service. According to the proposal, the intelligence service […]

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