July 27, 2016 · Blogs

ENDitorial: Is 5G as terrible as the telecoms providers claim it is?

A collection of big telecoms providers, together with some equipment manufacturers that rely on them for business, recently launched a document called the “5G manifesto”. The document aims to give the European Commission guidance on how to ensure the upgrade of EU mobile communications to its “5th Generation”.

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February 27, 2004

EU Commission proposal for biometrics in passports

The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Council Regulation that will set legally binding minimum standards for harmonised security features, including biometric identifiers, in all EU passports. The Commission chooses facial images as a mandatory biometric identifier for passports. Fingerprints can be added as an option at the discretion of Member States. The […]

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July 5, 2006

Google's victory in court against German publisher

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Google has just obtained a significant victory against the German publisher Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft (WBG), having asked an injunction in a German court to stop the giant from scanning books in its Books Library project. WBG dropped their case on 28 June after the judge told them they […]

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November 30, 2011

Italian Police blocks sites that had banners to alleged illegal websites

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Italienische Polizei sperrt Seiten mit Bannerwerbung für mutmaßlich illegale Inhalte | https://www.unwatched.org/EDRigram_9.23_Italienische_Polizei_sperrt_Seiten_mit_Bannerwerbung_fuer_mutmasslich_illegale_Inhalte?pk_campaign=edri&pk_kwd=20111130] The Italian cybercrime police, Guardia di Finanza Agropoli, has recently DNS blocked a series of websites that were offering links to content indexed on BitTorrent, cyberlockers and eDonkey networks. Five of the blocked sites belonged to […]

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March 11, 2004

Recommended reading: Access to EU documents

On 30 January 2004, the European Commission published a report about the effectiveness of EU legislation on freedom of information. Article 255 of the treaty establishing the European Community, implemented through Regulation 1049/2001 of 30 May 2001, grants a right of access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents to any Union citizen and to […]

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September 9, 2015 · Blogs

Portugal: Privatised copyright law enforcement agreement now public

On 12 August 2015, EDRi-gram reported about a Portuguese “self-regulatory” agreement against alleged online infringements of copyright and related rights. The agreement has already entered into force and is now public, thanks to a Portuguese citizen who made a freedom of information request and successfully appealed its initial rejection before the Portuguese Commission on Access […]

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October 31, 2017 · Blogs | Information democracy | Data protection standards | Freedom of expression online

The privacy movement and dissent: Protest

This is the fourth blogpost of a series, originally published by EDRi member Bits of Freedom, that explains how the activists of a Berlin-based privacy movement operate, organise, and express dissent. The series is inspired by a thesis by Loes Derks van de Ven, which describes the privacy movement as she encountered it from 2013 […]

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September 20, 2016 · Blogs

Member in the Spotlight: Electronic Frontier Finland

Electronic Frontier Finland (Effi), is a Finnish digital rights organisation. It focuses on all kinds of digital rights issues including, but not limited to freedom of speech, privacy, cyber intelligence, information security, copyright, open data, and digital public services.

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December 19, 2012 · Blogs

EC decided: no need for more databases for law enforcement

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Europäische Kommission: Keine weiteren EU-weiten Datenbanken für Strafverfolger | https://www.unwatched.org/EDRigram_10.24_Europaeische_Kommission_Keine_weiteren_EU-weiten_Datenbanken_fuer_Strafverfolger?pk_campaign=edri&pk_kwd=20121219] On 7 December 2012, the European Commission issued a communication regarding information exchanges within EU, concluding that no new law enforcement databases were needed presently. This communication comes as a result of the Stockholm Programme invitation for the […]

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September 23, 2015 · Blogs

Two Danes arrested for publishing information about Popcorn Time

The Popcorn Time software has become a popular way of watching movies and TV shows online. The user is presented with an interface that has the look and feel of established streaming services, such as Netflix. In many cases, Popcorn Time is used to access content made available without the authorisation of the rights-holders, but stopping […]

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December 19, 2012 · Blogs

Digitale Gesellschaft promotes net neutrality with Vodafail actions

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Vodafail: Digitale Gesellschaft setzt sich für Netzneutralität ein | https://www.unwatched.org/EDRigram_10.24_Vodafail_Digitale_Gesellschaft_setzt_sich_fuer_Netzneutralitaet_ein?pk_campaign=edri&pk_kwd=20121219] There are only a few telecom operators in Germany which offer mobile Internet. The two largest, Deutsche Telekom and Vodafone, harm net neutrality in numerous of their tariffs – deeply hidden in their contract terms. The federal government […]

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October 6, 2015 · Blogs

CCC campaigns to provide Internet access to refugees in Germany

German EDRi member Chaos Computer Club (CCC), along with free network associations Freifunk Berlin and the Förderverein freie Netzwerke, is running a fundraising campaign in support of the non-profit organisation Refugees Emancipation (RE). The project, initiated by asylum-seekers, aims to prevent the isolation and enhance the connectivity of refugees in Germany by enabling their access […]

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