November 9, 2020 · Highlights | Press releases | Publications | Privacy and data protection | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Biometrics | Surveillance and data retention

Technological Testing Grounds: Border tech is experimenting with people’s lives

The European Union is increasingly experimenting with high risk migration management technologies.

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October 12, 2021

CPDP Conferences: Computers, Privacy & Data Protection

As a world-leading multidisciplinary conference CPDP offers the cutting edge in legal, regulatory, academic and technological development in privacy and data protection. Within an atmosphere of independence and mutual respect, CPDP gathers academics, lawyers, practitioners, policy-makers, industry and civil society from all over the world in Brussels, offering them an arena to exchange ideas and discuss the latest emerging issues and trends. This unique multidisciplinary formula has served to make CPDP one of the leading data protection and privacy conferences in Europe and around the world.

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March 12, 2008

Swiss Bank was denied the closure of whistleblowers website

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White reversed his initial decision of shutting down the domain of Wikileaks, a website where whistleblowers can untraceably leak documents. Wikileaks, launched in early 2007, has anonymously posted documents revealing delicate subjects such as the infiltration of agents of the Stasi, the […]

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September 26, 2018 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

ECtHR gives a half-hearted victory against UK mass surveillance

On 13 September 2018, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) delivered its ruling on the case brought by EDRi members Privacy International, Open Rights Group and other NGOs against the United Kingdom. The Court found several violations of the European Convention on Human Rights in three UK mass surveillance programmes. The Court’s judgment is […]

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May 23, 2007

Google is profiling online gamers

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Google has filed a patent in Europe and in US on a profiling technology planning to create psychological profiles of web users based on their behaviour at playing on-line games. The company thinks it can gather up information to shape the personality of web users according to […]

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June 2, 2004

PNR data deal signed by European Commission

An international agreement was signed on 28 May between the European Union and the United States that makes it possible to transfer air passenger data to the US, under certain conditions. It entered into force immediately. This agreement goes hand-in-hand with the Decision adopted two weeks ago by the European Commission, establishing the adequacy of […]

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February 11, 2009

Pirate Bay in legal battle with IFPI

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The war between IFPI and the Pirate Bay continues with a new banning of the site in Denmark ruled by a Danish court at the beginning of February this year. Exactly a year ago, in February 2008, following an IFPI action, a Danish court ruled that Tele2 […]

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March 24, 2010

Lithuanian court rules in favour of BitTorrent user

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Litauisches Gericht urteilt zugunsten eines BitTorrent-Nutzers |] A Lithuanian District Court has recently ruled against the anti-piracy organisation LANVA in a case against a user of the BitTorrent tracker Last year, LANVA accused 106 users of of sharing Windows 7 Ultimate and brought one of […]

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February 27, 2013 · Blogs

European copyright scholars: hyperlinking is not public communication

The Swedish Court of Appeal has referred to ECJ (European Court of Justice) a case involving the question of whether publishing a hyperlink to content can be considered a communication to the public and, implicitly, a breach of the creator’s copyright (in case the hyperlink is published without the author’s consent), under the European law. […]

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March 11, 2020 · On the ground | Information democracy | Disinformation and electoral interference | Online tracking industry / AdTech | Transparency

Facebook starts to increase transparency in political ads in the Balkans

Facebook has announced that it will expand its transparency system and confirmation of authenticity of ads about elections and politics starting from mid-March. Namely, Facebook will cover 32 additional countries, including Serbia and North Macedonia where the elections are to take place very soon.

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March 8, 2023 · Blogs | Information democracy | Open internet and inclusive technology | Privacy and data protection

#PrivacyCamp23: Event summary

In January 2023, EDRi gathered policymakers, activists, human rights defenders, climate and social justice advocates and academics in Brussels to discuss the criticality of our digital worlds. We welcomed 200+ participants in person and enjoyed an online audience of 600+ people engaging with the event livestream videos. If you missed the event or want a reminder of what happened in a session, find the session summaries and video recordings below.

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September 29, 2021 · Blogs | Press mentions | Privacy and data protection | Freedom of expression online | Platform regulation

A losing game: moderating online content fuels Big Tech power

While online platforms have a role to play in dealing with systemic risks, holistic - not techno-centric - approaches are needed to guarantee our safety and free expression, argues Claire Fernandez

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