May 20, 2009

Lucky win for the Swiss biometric passports

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Glücklicher Sieg für biometrische Pässe in der Schweiz |] A referendum that took place in Switzerland on Sunday, 17 May 2009 was in favour of the biometric passports law by a very narrow margin. Thus the official results show that 50.14% of the voters approved the law, […]

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November 21, 2005

Civil Society Tunis declaration

APC, the association for progressive communication, reports on the civil society press conference on 18 November. Civil society representatives from all continents lined up on a panel to deliver a stark closing statement. The civil society statement was not finalised, but four points are addressed: internet governance, human rights, financing and development, and follow-up. The […]

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April 11, 2012 · Blogs

New EDRi members

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Neue EDRi-Mitglieder |] At the EDRi General Assembly of 31 March-1 April 2012 in Amsterdam, Netherlands, EDRi welcomed 5 new members: Statewatch (UK), Society for Open Internet Technologies (Slovakia), Article 19 (UK), Icelandic Digital Freedom Society (Iceland) and DFRI (Föreningen för digitala fri- och rättigheter) – Sweden. […]

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April 11, 2012

UK: Home Office plans new surveillance measures

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [UK: Innenministerium plant neue Überwachungsmaßnahmen |] The Communication Capabilities Development Programme (CCDP) proposed by UK coalition, meant to extend the police’s access to individuals’ email and social media traffic data, is facing strong criticism from the opposition and civil liberties campaigners. CCDP is likely to be part […]

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December 20, 2006

Proposal of computers online searching in Germany

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Earlier this year, Ingo Wolf, the Minister of the Interior of the German Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia, and Wolfgang Schäuble, the German Federal Minister, proposed certain plans that would give the police and the Interior Federal Office of Criminal Investigation permission to access online computers of […]

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July 1, 2009

France: No to new EDVIGE!

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Frankreich: Kein neues EDVIGE! |] A text of a draft law on Police Files initiated by the two French deputies Delphine Batho and Jacques-Alain Bénisti has been approved by the Laws Commission of the National Assembly. The draft law contains a new form of the EDVIGE file, […]

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June 16, 2010

ENDitorial: New coalition's U-turn on privacy in UK

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ENDitorial: Kehrtwende der neuen britischen Koalition |] The coalition Government plans to keep the Summary Care Record, despite pre-election pledges by both the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats to rip up the system – which is not compliant with the I v Finland judgement of the European […]

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January 16, 2008

German data retention act challenged

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Just five days after the German President Horst Köhler approved the German data retention law that entered into force on 1 January 2008, the German Working group on data retention (Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung) challenged the law in the Federal German Constitutional Court. The complaint was filed with the […]

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May 3, 2017 · Blogs

Encryption – debunking the myths

How to send a sensitive message protecting it from spying eyes? Encrypt it. You think your message is not sensitive or that no one is spying on you? Encrypt it anyway. When you send your message encrypted, no-one else but the intended recipient can read it. Even if someone manages to catch the message when […]

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August 26, 2009

Belgium: Minister of Justice wants 2 years of data retention

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Belgien: Justizminister will zweijährige Vorratsdatenspeicherung |] Belgium is starting again to discuss the implementation of the data retention directive, suggesting a 2-year retention period for electronic communication traffic data, according with the Flemish newspaper De Tijd. The initial discussion in 2008 did not passed the criticism received […]

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June 5, 2013 · Blogs

Macedonia: Freedom of expression endangered by new law

The new Macedonian law on Law on Media and Audiovisual Media Services creates serious risks for freedom of expression in Macedonia. The new law expands the scope of state control from broadcast media (which is justified because they use a limited public resource, namely wireless spectrum) to all kinds of media, including online and print. […]

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February 14, 2007

European Central Bank found accountable in the SWIFT case

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) On 1 February, Peter Hustinx, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) gave his opinion on the role of the European Central Bank (ECB) in the SWIFT case, considering the bank as accountable along with SWIFT for failing compliance with the European privacy laws in the secret US […]

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