September 12, 2007

The European Court of Human Rights could influence the UK DNA database

Sir Stephen Sedley has recently proposed the enlargement of the DNA database in UK to cover the entire population and visitors that stay in UK even for a week, under the argument of creating a fairer system and eliminating the ethnical unbalance in the present database. But a case brought by 2 English people to […]

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January 30, 2008

ECJ decision on handing traffic information in civil cases

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has decided on 29 January 2008 in the case of Productores de Música de España Promusicae vs. Telefónica de España considering that the European law “does not require member states to lay down an obligation to disclose personal data in the […]

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February 13, 2008

Biometric data from non-EU travellers

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) A set of new measures including biometric data from non-EU travellers are being proposed these days by the European Commission (EC). The proposals, drafted by Franco Frattini, the European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security, are being put forward by the EC, arguing that the cross-border policy […]

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February 13, 2008

Wales said no to ID cards

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Welsh Assembly Government proposal for a “smart card” to be used to access public services in Wales was considered by civil liberties groups as a way of introducing identity cards “through the back door” and was rejected by the Liberal Democrats supported by the Labour Party members […]

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May 7, 2008

All Italian tax payers' data made public online by the Italian Government

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) To the unpleasant surprise of many Italians, for a few hours on 30 April 2008, the Italian government, through its Agenzia delle Entrate, published on the agency website,, the financial information filed by all Italian taxpayers. Although operational only for a few hours, many people had […]

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May 21, 2008

Updates on Visa Information System Regulation

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) An updated version of the Regulation on the Visa Information System (VIS) published by Statewatch reveals that only random checks might be carried out, if there are too many people waiting. As already presented in EDRi-gram, the legislative package on the Visa Information System that included the […]

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June 18, 2008

EU Competition Commissioner backs open standards in eGovernment

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The EU Competition Commissioner, Neelie Kroes, publicly supported the use of open source software in eGovernment, in a public speech at a seminar hosted by OpenForum Europe in Brussels on 10 June 2008. Kroes encouraged the public institutions to use open standards, underlining the positive example of […]

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July 2, 2008

ENDitorial: Sweden is listening to all internet and phone conversations

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) In Denmark we already have Data Retention in place and the rest of Europe will follow soon. That means that our own countries demand that Internet companies and phone companies log who we phone, email with, chat with, which websites we visit, etc. This is something that […]

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July 30, 2008

University researcher may publish their findings on NXP Mifare chip

On 18 July 2008, the Dutch Court in Nijmegen dismissed the initial claim in its preliminary ruling in the case of Chip maker NXP against the publication by the University of Nijmegen of the security problems regarding Mifare Classic Chip, dismissing the initial claim. NXP had asked the judge to order the University of Nijmegen […]

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July 30, 2008

FRA has a long history of spying on Swedes

The Swedish National Defence Radio Establishment FRA that has made the headlines last month with its law on spying on all communication, has recently announced that it has reported a blogger to the Chancellor of Justice for distributing what they consider classified material proving the Agency was spying on Swedes starting with 1996. Henrik Alexandersson […]

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September 24, 2008

The EU commissioners ask for a friendly environment in online retailing

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) A roundtable on online retailing with the interested private companies, including online music providers, and consumers organisations took place at the European Commission in Brussels on 17 September 2008 with competition commissioner Neelie Kroes and internal market commissioner Charlie McCreevy. Ms Kroes expressed her concern regarding the […]

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October 8, 2008

RapidShare needs to check every file for copyright infringement

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) A Hamburg court in Germany has ruled that the free file-hosting service is not doing enough to combat piracy, so they should check content for copyright infringement before it is made available on the Internet . The decision was given in the legal conflict between RapidShare […]

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