January 9, 2019 · Blogs | Information democracy | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Privacy and confidentiality

Bits of Freedom announces winner of privacy award

The Dutch Big Brother Awards will take place on 22 January 2019 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. This year’s distinguished winner of the Felipe Rodriguez Award is Kirsten Fiedler, Managing Director of European Digital Rights. With this award, a Dutch digital rights organisation, EDRi member Bits of Freedom recognises people and organisations who have made a remarkable […]

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August 2, 2006 · Blogs

EDRI-gram in German

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Starting with July 2006, EDRI-gram will be available also in German, a few days after the English edition. The translation is done by Andreas Krisch from the EDRI-member VIBE!AT – Austrian Association for Internet Users. Translations are available for all 2006 editions back to issue 3.23 at […]

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February 17, 2009

Open letter to the European Parliament – Telecom Package

Dear Members of the European Parliament, We welcome the various statements by the EU to incorporate citizen’s interests within the policy-making process for the Internet and we would like to draw your attention to some serious concerns we have in respect to the Telecoms Package, which is about to enter the Second Reading stage in […]

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March 11, 2020 · On the ground | Privacy and data protection | Biometrics | Data protection standards | Privacy and confidentiality

Security Information Service wins the Czech Big Brother Awards

The Czech Big Brother Award (BBA) 2019 winners are the Czech Security Information Service (BIS), the antivirus company Avast, and the energy company PRE. Positive prize of Edward Snowden went to the city of Prague.

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August 2, 2006 · Blogs

End of activities Bits of Freedom

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) From 1 September 2006 the Dutch NGO Bits of Freedom (BOF) will cease its activities. Since its establishment in 2000, Bits of Freedom has successfully defended digital civil rights, such as privacy on the Internet and online freedom of speech in the Netherlands. The board of Bits […]

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August 1, 2007

A German court held Skype responsible for having failed to meet GPL terms

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Following a complained filed by gpl-violations.org which holds the copyright for parts of the Linux kernel, the Munich District Court found Skype in infringement of the General Public Licence (GPL) terms. Skype offered SMC WSKP100 VoIP telephone produced by the Spanish manufacturer SMC Networks, running with Linux, […]

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July 30, 2014 · Blogs

French Digital Council publishes report on platform neutrality

The CNNum (Conseil National du Numérique), the French National Digital Council, published a report on 13 June 2014. The report follows a 2013 request from the Ministry of the economy and digital affairs as well as the secretary of state on digital affairs on two issues: the European Commission’s investigation of Google’s dominant market position […]

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January 16, 2019 · On the ground | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online

We can no longer talk about sex on Facebook in Europe

Sometime in late 2018, Facebook quietly added “Sexual Solicitation” to its list of “Objectionable Content”. Without notifying its users. This is quite remarkable, to put it mildly, as for many people sex is far from being a negligible part of life.

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March 11, 2020 · Blogs | Information democracy | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Disinformation and electoral interference | Equal access to the internet | Freedom of expression online

Who should decide what we see online?

Online platforms rank and moderate content without letting us know how and why they do it. There is a pressing need for transparency of the practices and policies of these online platforms.

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September 20, 2016 · Blogs

Privacy Training Center empowers you to protect your online freedom

New non-profit organisation offers privacy workshops for everyone Most people know that surfing the internet has serious privacy implications. What many don’t know is how to protect themselves, their family, colleagues and friends. Meet the Privacy Training Center in Brussels the new not-for-profit training organisation. The PTC aims to fill the knowledge gap by providing […]

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January 23, 2019 · Highlights | Privacy and data protection | Privacy and confidentiality

EDRi’s Kirsten Fiedler wins Privacy Award

On 22 January, Kirsten Fiedler, current Senior Policy and Campaigns Manager and former Managing Director of European Digital Rights, received the distinguished Felipe Rodriguez Award in celebration of her remarkable contribution to our right to privacy in the digital age. Why should we defend digital rights and freedoms when there are really pressing and often […]

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February 26, 2020 · Blogs | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online | Platform regulation

Copyright stakeholder dialogues: Compromise, frustration, dead end?

The second phase of the stakeholder dialogues on Article 17 of the Copyright Directive finished in December 2019. The two meetings of the third phase, focusing on the provisions of Article 17, were held on 16 January and 10 February 2020.

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