August 29, 2007 · Blogs

DRM-free music is supported by consumers

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) A new survey regarding music online conducted by Entertainment Media Research in association with the law firm Olswang showed that the DRM (Digital Rights Management) related problems are more present in UK consumers’ opinion than the music industry initially thought. The survey was made on more than […]

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September 10, 2008

Two Danes found innocent of illegal downloading in a Wi-Fi theft case

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) On 5 September 2008, a Danish court decided that two woman that had been taken to court for illegally sharing music by Antipiratgruppen, anti-piracy affiliates, were innocent. The two women claimed they had not been the authors of the infringement, having been subject to WiFi theft. Antipiratgruppen […]

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September 24, 2014 · Blogs

The Turkish government tightens its grip over the Internet

On 8 September 2014, the Turkish parliament passed an amendment to the already draconian Internet law. The amendment allows the Turkish Telecommunication Authority (TIB) to block (without a court order) any website that appears to threaten “national security or public order”. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are required to execute the blocking order of the TIB […]

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October 5, 2005

Petition update: over 50.000 signatures

The EDRI and XS4ALL petition against data retention has attracted over 50.000 signatures, of which over 20.000 from the Netherlands (where the campaign was launched), over 6.000 from Germany and 5.750 from Finland. Runners-up in the daily country count are Bulgaria and Sweden (over 2.000 each), followed by Spain (almost 2.000), Austria (over 1.500). Italy, […]

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October 20, 2005

Petition update: over 54.000 signatures

The EDRI and XS4ALL petition against data retention has attracted over 54.000 signatures, of which over 20.000 from the Netherlands (where the campaign was launched), over 6.000 from Germany and 5.750 from Finland. Runners-up in the daily country count are Bulgaria (over 3.000), Sweden and Spain (over 2.000 each), Austria (over 1.500). Italy, the UK, […]

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November 3, 2005

Petition update: over 55.500 signatures

The EDRI and XS4ALL petition against data retention has attracted over 55.500 signatures, of which over 20.000 from the Netherlands (where the campaign was launched), over 6.500 from Germany and almost 6.000 from Finland. Runners-up in the daily country count are Bulgaria (over 3.000), Sweden and Spain (over 2.000 each), Austria (over 1.750). France, the […]

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November 5, 2008

Internet giants gather for freedom of speech – Global Network Initiative

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Microsoft, Yahoo! and Google confirmed on 28 October 2008 having signed up for the Global Network Initiative (GNI), an organisation aimed at preserving free speech on the Internet. GNI members are bound to challenge governments against requests for disclosure of private data if they consider the requests […]

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November 19, 2008

Foreign P2P software producers might be liable under the French law

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) At the beginning of November 2008, a French court ruled that the US companies that created p2p software can be sued in France according to French laws. The ruling refers to a case brought to court by the French music producers association – SPPF (Societe de producteurs […]

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May 5, 2010

German court decides Google's image search does not infringe copyright

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Google Image Suche verletzt laut BGH keine Urheberrechte |] On 29 April 2010, the German Federal Supreme Court ruled that Google’s image search did not infringe copyright. The ruling comes in a case filed by an artist because, at the introduction of her name, Google’s search engine […]

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May 4, 2011

BitTorrent site blocked by Italian court

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Italienisches Gericht sperrt BitTorrent-Seite |] On 21 April 2011, an Italian court ordered all Italian ISPs to block the BitTorrent search website BTjunkie considered by the public prosecutor as one of the most prominent havens for pirated media. BTjunkie IP addresses and its domain name were to […]

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January 18, 2006

France adopts anti-terrorism law

In November 23, the anti-terrorist draft law proposed by the Ministry on Internal Affairs of France, Nicolas Sarzoky was voted by a large majority of the deputies of the National Assembly. The law facilitates the surveillance of communications allowing the police to obtain communication data from telephone operators, Internet Services Providers, Internet cafes. ( see […]

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April 23, 2003

Spanish case law about hyperlinks

A Spanish judge last month dismissed charges against a website accused of hyperlinking to illegal material. The website (which means ‘fuck off’) was accused based on the article 17 of the LSSICE (the Spanish version of the European E-Commerce Directive). The site includes hyperlinks to websites which, supposedly, describe techniques to descramble TV satellite […]

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