March 24, 2010

Lithuanian court rules in favour of BitTorrent user

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Litauisches Gericht urteilt zugunsten eines BitTorrent-Nutzers |] A Lithuanian District Court has recently ruled against the anti-piracy organisation LANVA in a case against a user of the BitTorrent tracker Last year, LANVA accused 106 users of of sharing Windows 7 Ultimate and brought one of […]

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February 27, 2013 · Blogs

European copyright scholars: hyperlinking is not public communication

The Swedish Court of Appeal has referred to ECJ (European Court of Justice) a case involving the question of whether publishing a hyperlink to content can be considered a communication to the public and, implicitly, a breach of the creator’s copyright (in case the hyperlink is published without the author’s consent), under the European law. […]

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December 6, 2006

EU Commission wants to push fight against spam

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The European Commission has criticized the member countries, considering that they should better implement the present legal framework and fight against spam, but also take more seriously into consideration the spyware and malicious software issues. According to the recent figures made public by Sophos, approx. 32% of […]

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September 11, 2019 · On the ground | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online

The Netherlands, aim for a more ambitious copyright implementation!

All EU Member States are obliged to implement the newly adopted EU Copyright Directive, including its controversial Article 17. But how to interpret it, is up to them. In the Netherlands, there is currently a draft bill, which is unfortunately very disappointing. The government really needs to try much harder to protect the interests of […]

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February 13, 2008

Finnish e-voting system must not stay a trade secret

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) A member of Electronic Frontier Finland (Effi), a Finnish association for promoting digital rights and member of EDRi, has recently sent a request of information to the Finnish Ministry of Justice regarding their planned e-voting system. The system will be piloted in the municipal elections during October […]

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August 25, 2010

Romanian Government wants to issue Electronic ID cards

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Rumänische Regierung plant elektronische ID-Karten |] The Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs and Public Administration (MAI) submitted for public consultation, in the middle of August 2010, a new draft Ordinance for issuing mandatory electronic ID cards for Romanians starting with 1 January 2011. Even though the decision […]

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November 6, 2019 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Privacy and confidentiality

Greece: The new data protection law raises concerns

On 29 August 2019, the much awaited new Greek data protection law came into force. Τhis law (4624/2019), implements both the provisions of the EU Law Enforcement Directive (LED, 2016/680) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) into national level. However, since the first days after the law was adopted, a lot of criticism was […]

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March 12, 2008

European Parliament criticized for not using open standards

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) A public petition was initiated by OpenForum Europe, The European Software Market Association, and the Free Software Foundation Europe asking the European Parliament (EP) to change its ICT system in order to allow the adoption of open standards. The petition specifically points to the fact that the […]

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July 17, 2013 · Blogs

The PRISM scandal gets bigger

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [PRISM-Skandal weitet sich immer mehr aus |] Privacy campaigners have filed claims against Prism and Tempora, the US and British spy programmes that allow intelligence agencies to gather, store and share data on millions of innocent people. Privacy International has submitted a claim to the Investigatory Powers […]

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November 5, 2009 · Blogs

Petition against data retention in Belgium

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Petition gegen Vorratsdatenspeicherung in Belgien |] Macedonian: [Петиција против задржување на податоци во Белгија |] A number of Belgian NGOs representing Internet users, lawyers, journalists, human rights activists and others on 26 October 2009 started a petition against the Belgian transposition of the EU Data Retention […]

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November 18, 2009

UK Home Office steps back in the project to intercept communications

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Britisches Innenministerium tritt vom Projekt zur Abhörung von Anschlüssen zurück |] The Home Office’s plan (known as the Interception Modernisation Programme) to put under surveillance everyone’s email, mobile phone, text and Internet communications has been put on hold, following the outcomes of a consultation launched in April […]

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April 25, 2007

E-voting in France – after the first round of presidential elections

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The first round of the presidential elections in France, where e-voting systems have been used in 82 localities as a pilot test, showed many queues, some equipement shutdowns and dropouts of some towns (Amiens, St Malo, Le Perreux, Ifs). Some political parties have called the e-voting a […]

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