October 11, 2006

New EU-US interim deal on Passenger Name Record

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The previous agreement adopted in 2004 on EU-US personal data sharing was annulled by the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg in May 2006, invoking the wrong legal basis. After a series of negotiations between UE and US a new interim agreement was concluded on 6 October […]

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October 22, 2014 · Blogs

France to follow Turkey’s lead on lawless Internet censorship

Despite many setbacks, bad publicity, budget cuts and a change of government, France is persisting with its Hadopi, a “three strikes law” and government agency to enforce copyright laws and fight online “piracy”. Even more worrying, the country’s Minister of Culture is now making moves to curb online rights even further. In the past years, the […]

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January 24, 2018 · Blogs | Information democracy | Privacy and data protection | Freedom of expression online

Can we ensure EU terrorism policies respect human rights?

During 2017, the European Union (EU) increased its arsenal its “fight against terrorism”, namely by adopting a Directive on combating terrorism and by setting up a Special Committee in the European Parliament. In partnership with the Open Society European Policy Institute (OSEPI), the European Network Against Racism (ENAR), Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the […]

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February 27, 2019 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Cross border access to data | Surveillance and data retention

New UK counter-terrorism law limits online freedoms

The Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act 2019 became law in the United Kingdom (UK) in February, after passing through UK parliament with less debate than many had hoped, while Brexit dominated the political agenda. The new law is problematic in many ways, including the way in which it limits freedom of expression and access to […]

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October 8, 2008

Social Networks – on the European Commission's Agenda

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Viviane Reding, Commissioner for Information Society and Media, gave her first public speech on social networks at the Safer Internet Forum on 26 September 2008, which confirms the interest of the EU bodies on this topic. The commissioner emphasized the growth of the social networks in Europe: […]

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February 13, 2013 · Blogs

US privacy groups believe US officials lobby to weaken EU privacy

A coalition of 18 US privacy groups sent a letter on 30 January 2013 to US politicians such as the Attorney General Eric Holder, Secretary of State John Kerry and the Acting Secretary of Commerce Rebecca Blank, asking for assurances that US policy makers in Europe “advance the aim of privacy” and do not hinder […]

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March 1, 2019 · Highlights | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online

The European Parliament’s deplorable lack of impartiality

As the political debate around the European copyright reform and its infamous upload filters enters the final round, the EU institutions commit yet another faux pas. On 27 February 2019, the European Parliament’s communications team published a number of tweets celebrating how amazing the copyright Directive proposal is that has been agreed during trilogues. The […]

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April 8, 2009

Big Brother Awards France 2009

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Big Brother Awards Frankreich 2009 | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1363] The French Big Brother Awards ceremony, or ‘Orwell Party’, was held this year on Saturday 4 April. The 2009 edition awarded 12 of the 35 nominees, in 6 categories, one of them being the positive ‘Voltaire Award’. Armand Mattelart, a renowned […]

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October 22, 2014 · Blogs

EU Parliament promises a better document register

In 2011 the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) discovered that some European Parliament decisions regarding the ratification of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) were not recorded in any known document. A hidden class of documents (“coordinators’ minutes”) seemed to exist, but the Parliament denied their existence. The FFII filed a complaint with the […]

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December 2, 2015 · Blogs

France enacts sweeping legislation limiting fundamental freedoms

On 13 November time stopped in France and around the world as the heart of Paris was attacked. One hundred and thirty people were killed while enjoying dinners with friends, celebrating birthdays, and dancing at a concert. The French government, with the support of most of the population and political groups, rapidly declared a state […]

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October 10, 2007

EDRI Campaign on CoE Recommendation Failing to Uphold Freedom of Expression

On October 10, 2007, EDRI issued a statement to express its serious concerns over a new Council of Europe Recommendation on ‘promoting freedom of expression and information in the new information and communications environment’. As other related instruments are currently in preparation by the CoE, EDRI calls for NGOs and groups from all over the […]

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April 7, 2010

European Commission proposes Net blocking and defends illegal activity

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Europäische Kommission schlägt Netzsperren vor und verteidigt rechtswidrige Handlungen | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1831] On 29 March 2010, the European Commission re-launched its initiative on child exploitation. This initiative was originally launched in March 2009 as a “Framework Decision”, but was withdrawn due to the entry into force of the Lisbon […]

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