November 7, 2007

Government attempts of increased level of surveillance in Czech Republic

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The Czech Interior Ministry introduced in October 2007 a new National Action Plan to Combat Terrorism that would increase the access of the police and intelligence authorities to personal data, under the pretext of the protection against terrorism. The Czech Ministry of Interior has introduced a similar […]

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March 28, 2012

EU-US PNR Agreement: A bad day for civil liberties in Europe

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [PNR-Abkommen: Ein schwarzer Tag für die europäischen Bürgerrechte |] On 27 March 2012, the Civil Liberties (LIBE) Committee of the European Parliament decided to back the new air passenger data deal with the United States. In her recommendation, the Dutch Liberal MEP Sophie in ‘t Veld called […]

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June 3, 2009

DRI against the Irish law on the interception of communications

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [DRI gegen das irische Gesetz zur Kommunikationsabhörung |] Digital Rights Ireland has lodged a formal complaint with the European Commission against Ireland over the Irish law on the interception of communications. The Irish law, which is governed by the Interception of Postal Packets and Telecommunications Messages (Regulation) […]

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July 7, 2021 · Blogs | Press releases | Open internet and inclusive technology | Alternatives to dominant digital services | Biometrics | Surveillance and data retention

Biometric mass surveillance flourishes in Germany and the Netherlands

In a new research report, EDRi reveals the shocking extent of biometric mass surveillance practices in Germany, the Netherlands and Poland which are taking over our public spaces like train stations, streets, and shops. The EU and its Member States must act now to set clear legal limits to these practices which create a state of permanent monitoring, profiling and tracking of people.

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May 19, 2010

Google: We have collected information sent over the WiFi via StreetView

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Google: Wir haben über Street View Informationen von WLAN-Netzen gesammelt |] Google admitted that the previous information on the data they have gathered with their Street View service was wrong and this included “samples of payload data from open (i.e. non-password-protected) WiFi networks.” The information comes after […]

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December 3, 2008

Sweden on the verge of passing the local IPRED law

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The Sweden Government is to pass these days a controversial law that might give the entertainment industry some tools to track down those that illegally share copyrighted material on the Internet. The law, which is based on the European Union’s Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Directive (IPRED), has […]

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March 29, 2023 · Blogs | Information democracy | Open internet and inclusive technology | Privacy and data protection

Shaping the next 20 years of digital rights in Europe

Last week we celebrated the 20th anniversary of EDRi, the European Digital Rights network, and its two decades of defending and promoting rights online and off. The digital rights movement has come a long way and we are at a crucial moment to shape our shared digital future for the better. The EU’s fundamental rights framework has been pivotal in our achievements so far, but it has never served everyone equally. How can we better equip Europe for the human rights challenges of the digital age?

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March 26, 2021 · Blogs | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online

The Need for a Council of Europe Recommendation on Combatting SLAPPs

104 civil society organisations call on the Council of Europe (CoE) to act urgently on the growing threat of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs).

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November 23, 2006

ENDitorial : E-society in SE Europe

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) More then 350 participants from 10 different countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Czech Republic and Ireland) participated at the second International E-Society.Mk Conference organized by Metamorphosis Foundation in Skopje from 15-17 November 2006. The focus of the conference was regional approach […]

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December 3, 2008

Ireland proposes to legalise covert surveillance

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The Irish Government has approved the outline of a Bill which, if passed by Parliament, will permit police to break into private property to plant covert audio bugs and video cameras. The Covert Surveillance Bill is intended to legitimise what is already believed to be existing practice, […]

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January 25, 2017 · Blogs

Germany: Fighting the anti-whistleblower provision

EDRi observer Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte’s (GFF) most recent Constitutional Court case in Germany concerns an anti-whistleblowing provision threatening the freedom of the press. Part-time journalists and bloggers, as well as the legal or IT experts on which journalists rely, now risk a prison sentence of up to three years for handling “leaked” data.

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January 20, 2022 · Blogs | Press releases | Privacy and data protection | Privacy and confidentiality

European Parliament approves rights-respecting DSA & proposes ban on use of sensitive personal data for online ads

Today's upcoming vote by the European Parliament's (EP) on the Digital Services Act (DSA) is expected to be a good step forward in protecting people’s rights on the internet, including freedom of expression and information, right to safety and the right to privacy, which EDRi has strongly and consistently advocated for.

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