December 4, 2013 · Blogs

No Warrant Internet Spying By French Authorities

On 26 November 2013, the French National Assembly discussed the draft of the military programming law which could give the authorities the power to collect, without a judge warrant and in real time, telecom users’ data as a result of an amendment introduced by the Senate in first reading. Presently the internal security code stipulates […]

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July 1, 2009

Swedish court: IP addresses are personal data

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Schwedisches Gericht: IP-Adressen sind persönliche Daten |] Macedonian: [Шведска: ИП адресите се лични податоци |] The Swedish Supreme Administrative Court ruled on 18 June that the IP addresses are personal data in a case regarding APB (the Swedish Anti-Piracy Bureau, Antipiratbyrån), a lobby group representing copyright […]

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April 18, 2018 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

Fighting for migrants’ data protection rights in the UK

Since 2014, the United Kingdon (UK) government has steadily rolled out policies to make the country a “hostile environment”  for migrants, in the words of Prime Minister Theresa May.

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March 23, 2016 · Blogs

EDRi’s input on violent extremism for UN Human Rights Commissioner

EDRi firmly condemns the Brussels terror attacks as well as other acts of violence and terrorism around the world. While acknowledging the importance of combating terrorism and violent extremism, EDRi is concerned about the disproportionate and misguided responses by certain UN countries in pursuit of this aim. In this context, the United Nations (UN) Resolution […]

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June 19, 2003 · Blogs

Plans to extend Schengen Information System

The European Parliament currently discusses 3 different reports about the Schengen Information System (SIS). Rapporteur for all three reports is Carlos Coelho. The reports aim at extending the amount of data handled and the degree of cross-linking within the computer network. Coelho, a Portuguese Conservative, has already been the Rapporteur on four previous reports on […]

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July 28, 2010

ENDitorial: Industry RFID PIA: not endorsed in its current form

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ ENDitorial: Keine Zustimmung zur RFID-Folgenabschätzung der Industrie |] On 13 July 2010, the Article 29 Working Party adopted an opinion on the Industry Proposal for a Privacy and Data Protection Impact Assessment Framework for RFID Applications (Industry RFID PIA framework) in which it concludes it would […]

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September 8, 2010

State of play for ID cards in Europe

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Personalausweise in Europa |] A new analysis was made public by Statewatch based on the answers to a questionnaire regarding the “state of play concerning electronic identity cards” in the EU Member States and countries that are members of the so-called “Mixed Committee” that is part of […]

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January 28, 2009

EU proposal puts confidential communications data at risk

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Civil liberties groups La Quadrature du Net, European Digital Rights (EDRi), AK Vorrat, and are urging the European Parliament to heed advice given by the European Data Protection Supervisor Peter Hustinx and scrap plans dubbed “voluntary data retention”. “A proposal currently discussed in the European Parliament […]

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January 28, 2009

EU proposal puts confidential communications data at risk

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Civil liberties groups La Quadrature du Net, European Digital Rights (EDRi), AK Vorrat, and are urging the European Parliament to heed advice given by the European Data Protection Supervisor Peter Hustinx and scrap plans dubbed “voluntary data retention”. “A proposal currently discussed in the European Parliament […]

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November 30, 2011

Two years into the Stockholm Programme: on the way to e-Fortress Europe?

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Zwei Jahre Stockholm Programm: Europa auf dem Weg zu einer elektronischen Festung? |] It has been two years now since the Stockholm Programme – a 5-year plan for Justice and Home Affairs – was adopted. On 24 November 2011, an experts’ and activists’ round table, organised in […]

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February 1, 2012

The Lobby on ACTA is reaching a new level

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Lobbyarbeit für ACTA erreicht neue Dimensionen |] When the Commission calls for ACTA support, the chosen ones in industry happily follow. Going back a few months, in November 2011, at an International Fragrance Association event, Pedro Velasco Martins from the European Commission (DG Trade, Deputy Head of […]

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October 5, 2005

Renewed rejection of data retention by European institutions

On 12 October the Council of ministers of Justice and Home Affairs (JHA Council) will debate about data retention once again, both about the framework decision and about the directive proposal from the European Commission. In response to the final launch of the Commission proposal on 21 September, the UK Presidency of the EU announced […]

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